Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order (E.L.C.H.A.P.O.) Act – IOTW Report

Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order (E.L.C.H.A.P.O.) Act

via American Thinker

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill calling for the use of $14 billion seized from cartel drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to be used to pay for the President’s border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

“Fourteen billion dollars will go a long way toward building a wall that will keep Americans safe and hinder the illegal flow of drugs, weapons, and individuals across our southern border,” Senator Cruz stated, according to a statement obtained by Breitbart Texas from the senator’s office…

The Texas senator said that leveraging criminally forfeited assets from El Chapo and other Mexican cartel members and drug dealers can “offset the wall’s cost and make meaningful progress toward achieving President Trump’s stated border security objectives.”


Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/12/ted_cruz_is_right_make_el_chapo_pay_for_the_wall.html#ixzz5aKoL4Dym
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7 Comments on Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order (E.L.C.H.A.P.O.) Act

  1. US Judges that hate America are on to this, finding a way to kill building a wall…any way they can. They must have some kickback money coming in from the cartels drug sales.

  2. Perry- not just judges, congress, too. Someone is getting cash from an open border somehow. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were skimming from gun sales and human smuggling. And I bet a lot of the money is going to CA officials.


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