Enthusiasm Gap Looks Bad For Dems – IOTW Report

Enthusiasm Gap Looks Bad For Dems

The turnout gap for Super Tuesday was staggering.


Voting in the Republican primaries was up 81 percent over 2012.

Dem turnout was down almost 40 percent from 2008.


Republicans outnumbered Democrats at the polls in the 11 states where both parties held a primary by roughly 2.5 million.



But this still leaves us with an important question- what happens to the Conservative movement as all those Democrats crossover and declare themselves Republicans?

14 Comments on Enthusiasm Gap Looks Bad For Dems

  1. @AA: Are you on drugs? Most of them voted for the Democrat in the GOP primary, you call him Donald J. Trump/ Finally they can vote for someone just like they are, loud mouthed, cares little about the Constitution and bitches about jobs leaving our shores.

    On the other hand, there’s a slew of morons that vote (R) no matter who it is so ling as the (R) is next to the name. These are the same asswipes that gave us McShitstain, Romney, H.W. and G.W. Bush, Bob Dull and are pushing another Bush or Jr. Bush(Rubio).

    If Trump wins it all, becomes El Presidente and does what he says, great, I’ll apologize for casting doubt but if he governs like the typical liberal hack I believe him to be, then you”ll need to offer that apology.

  2. Rank and file Demonrat voters can smell that smell.
    The fetid stench of death, disease, decay, destruction, and collapse.
    It emanates from HRC, DW-S, BHO, JFKerry, Sharpton, Sanders and the rest of the Death-Cult.

    Demonrat voters may not be very smart, but they’re still (sort of) human and can sense disaster – like dogs before an earthquake – or goats before a volcanic eruption.

    (well, maybe NOT so human …)

  3. Gock — No, I don’t take drugs. You are operating under an old paradigm. You think that because they voted for Trump they are voting their old values or what they thought their values were. But once they figured out that voting ‘D’ just because that was printed on their registration cards, brought Common Core to their kids’ schools, put a $670.00 ‘fine’ on their taxes for not signing up for obamacare and didn’t do a thing for their ‘hood’s employment rate, they decided to take a look or at least listen to their friends’ description of Trump’s platform.

    You’re digging in to an old paradigm which says that anyone with a ‘D’ behind their names are wholly incapable of taking in new information and changing their minds. I think the only one here who is demonstrating that is you. How else do you think we are supposed to move this country back to conservative values — wait until we all have enough babies and grandchildren? That could take a while. I’m delighted to see people finally awakening to the results their political inattention has wrought. And just so you know, those huge numbers that turned out to vote? They weren’t all Democrats — a high proportion were people who have never or seldom voted, old and young alike.

    El presidente? Oh, that’s good. You think an American capitalist wants to be dictator? Dictators usually don’t have to give up a $10B real estate empire in order to be president. Trump can’t have any connection to his businesses while he is president. It’s all detailed in Form A.

  4. There is some buyer’s remorse about Obama from some of the democrats. Also, I think it would be tough for many people to get motivated by a shrieking harridan or a socialist halfwit. I think many democrats will skip this race. I could be wrong, but that seems to be the case so far.

  5. @AA. I pray you’re right but we’ve seen these shenanigans before from these folks and yes after hearing on the radio and talking to so many of them on the WWW I’m fairly certain most of them will continue to be dumber than dog shit unable to assimilate new data. Does a 16t weight have to fall on them? A resounding yes. Five decades of total control of the major metropolitan areas and they still vote for the same old busted socialistic policies that got them there.

    Maybe in the near future we can have take a rat to work week for business owners show the slugs can see just how much real time and energy is expended when running a business. Give them the entire treatment right down to the accounting ledger and see where all the freaking money goes to keep their sorry asses working to eek out small profit.(Yes, I’m dreaming as the proigs would scream bloody murder as we try to truly educate their worthless spawn.)

  6. In my state,
    Trump got 133,144 votes
    Cruz got 123,873 votes
    Rubio got 101,235 votes

    On the corruption side:
    Hillary got 144,580 votes
    Sanders got 64,868
    O’Malley got 2,764 votes.

    It’s easy to see that splitting up our votes could be national suicide. Rubio only won the county where the GOP set up shop. They must be rooting for hillary.

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