Entire HS Football Team, Including Coaches, Take a Knee For National Anthem – IOTW Report

Entire HS Football Team, Including Coaches, Take a Knee For National Anthem

They were protesting “social injustices.”

What is it they want done?

I can guarantee you there isn’t a person on this team, including the coaches, that could answer 5 rudimentary questions about the constitution, civil rights, economics, historic black leaders and military heroes who fought for our flag.

They can tell you that Michael Brown had his hands up when a cop yelled, “take this, darkie!!!!!,” and shot him between the eyes and then laughed maniacally and was given a pay raise.

Idiocy HERE.

ht/ illustr8r

Here’s a coach with a different point of view.

ht/ sam s.


38 Comments on Entire HS Football Team, Including Coaches, Take a Knee For National Anthem

  1. Budding future Communists brainwashed by Seattle Public Schools.

    Hey. I was born there and educated there when the district was all about scholastic achievement, not political indoctrination.

  2. Can’t take a knee in prayer for a safe game, but protesting is okay. Cool, glad my service wasn’t wasted. You are free to do as you please under the constitution I’m sworn to protect.

    If this happens at the school here I will withhold any support to the school district and have my voice heard at the board meeting and at the venue, during the game. I my taxes are paid, so I have the right, right?

  3. I bet these dumbasses would stand for El Himno de Bayamo, Milli Surood, and even for سرود ملی جمهوری اسلامی ایران‎‎.

    They can all piss up a rope.

  4. I love football. Except for playoff baseball and hockey, it is my favorite sport. I just asked for a refund of my subscription to NFL.com and I explained in my refund request “that until YOU dumb bastards make the dumber bastards stand the fuck up for the national anthem you CAN”T have my money”….NOW…as expected, this PHONEY protest crap has matriculated down to high school sports and will hit the little league of your choice in the near future….DUMB BASTARDS, all of them…

  5. This is disgusting, if you don’t respect your country then why live in it? And where are the parents? One person can make a difference if they want to. In my school district they would regularly mail,at tax payer expense, the grades of students. They tried to hide behind it wasn’t indivuale grades but groups, like 64 to 69 ect and names. Even though my son was not in that group I was appalled, and I believe it’s illegal. I contacted the superintendent and said I would file a law suit if it didn’t stop, which I fully intended to do. I was told that I became such a problem that it was easier for them to stop. I don’t care, it ended.

  6. These are the loser hippies of the 60s that have life long jobs making their delusions come true and ruining an entire generation. The generation lost.

    But where are the parents? Compact for learning, remember that? School is a parter ship, no where ever does a parent give up the right to be a parent and give their child to government school. The child is visiting the school. Schools are very good at trying to bully parents, they are not the least bit interested in education or youth, and most parents aren’t interested either, believe me I know.
    It’s just something thrown around, you want your children to do better than you. How? As a parent its your job to fight for that, not be the best buddie it’s ok if you’re a failure. Grow the fuck up.

  7. I’m a registered US voter but as blank, at 18 I registered as independent until it realized it became a party and discovered I could register as blank. I’m not saying I’m the end all be all, just saying what I feel, no I don’t blame Bush for everything in the world but he is partially responsible for the state of education with his making parents responsible for college tuition. What if they can’t afford that and themselves because of taxes or retirement?

  8. I haven’t thought about this in years, but I can remember when I was a kid (< 10), sitting around in my Grandma's living room, listening to the radio (almost nobody had a TV back then), and seeing the adults in the room stand up because the Star Spangled Banner came on. On the radio. At home, in the living room!

    It kinda makes me glad that generation is not around to see how things have become today.


  9. Well, this story did give me another opportunity to teach me kids why we stand, place our hands over our hearts (and try not to weep thinking about those who gave their lives) while the Star Spangled Banner is playing at a sporting event.

  10. Not one stinkin’ kid on this whole stinkin team would stand up for our country. If the were a stock on the market I would sell it short. There is no hope. Have a good time while it lasts. Vote for Trump and hope for the best. If he loses, it will be “hello, Venezuela”.

  11. Czar of the Deforestation: “In an earlier world,
    these students would have been
    suspended if not expelled.”

    In an earlier world, the coaches would have beat their asses silly, run their asses off in drills, way past puking time, and let them not off the bench for a long time, if ever.

    Lose? Tough shit.

  12. If my kid did that I’d kick him to the curb. On my mothers side, they came here legally from Ireland, lived in NYC, the atrocities are nightmare inducing. On my fathers side, they also came legally in 1920 from Italy. They adopted this country as their country and insisted everyone know English. Yes as Trump says there is a huge difference between legal and illegal immigrants. I was raised to be proud of this country, why is it ok for other countries to have that but not ours? Perhaps these snowflakes should visit another country. With my own son, no matter how I tried I was outnumbered by liberal teachers. When he graduated from hs he wanted to backpack through Asia and Europe and when he returned he had a huge appreciation for this country. Not only because what he saw but the people that he met. Although I wanted to throttle him most days for being an ungrateful ass no matter how he was raised, he’s very polite and personable to others. That opened doors abroad that he may not want to have opened and he heard many stories and many gratitudes to US. He returned with a whole new appreciation for this country. Sadly he didn’t learn it here.

  13. One more reason why I ignore most sports. I bet I can surpass the collective intelligence of the entire team. They are LOSERS regardless of how they play.

    Really, boys and men dressing up in pajamas to run around and chase a ball. I can put a bandana on a dog and throw the ball for him and he will display more athletic prowess.

    The real joke though is most will not be able to get a minimum wage job in Washington for some fundamental work experience. There is some social justice. Ha!

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