Entitled drunk white – black… Almost black? chick gets ignorant at Denny’s – IOTW Report

Entitled drunk white – black… Almost black? chick gets ignorant at Denny’s

drunk white chick at denny's

She said she’s entitled to sing you the song of her people — (VIDEO)

Warning: Saucy language

23 Comments on Entitled drunk white – black… Almost black? chick gets ignorant at Denny’s

  1. It was good the see the other members of her party cooperate in leaving and restraining her. I hope she had a massive hangover the next morning and someone to tell her the story of her antics.

  2. The white kid who was with her probably went home and pounded that drunk ass like it was a screen door in a tornado! You know, one ‘a them angry fu*ks!

    (Hat Tip: BFH for the excellent simile!)

  3. When Red Box don’t have nothin’ good to watch, I often go to Denney’s or IHOP and watch The drunk Parade. It’s right up there with watchin’ an outdoor Pentecostal Revival on “Confession” night!

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