EnviroBrits Upset UK Power Company Turns Canadian Forest into Fuel Pellets – IOTW Report

EnviroBrits Upset UK Power Company Turns Canadian Forest into Fuel Pellets

Bioenergy Insight

Drax, which has received billions of pounds in green energy subsidies from the UK government, has been accused by a BBC Panorama investigation of cutting down environmentally-important forests.
The company runs Britain’s largest power station, which burns millions of tonnes of imported wood pellets. The BBC said it had “discovered some of the wood comes from primary forests in Canada”, whilst claiming Drax said it “only uses sawdust and waste wood.

The Panorama investigation involved analysing satellite images, tracing logging licenses and utilising drone filming. One of its reporters, Joe Crowley, “followed a truck from a Drax mill to verify it was picking up whole logs from an area of precious forest”. More

13 Comments on EnviroBrits Upset UK Power Company Turns Canadian Forest into Fuel Pellets

  1. Libtards.
    Without double standards, they’d have no standards at all.

  2. It’s not just Canada, the US is doing the same thing.
    New pellet plant projects were announced in the US, with almost 1.5 million tons of pellets produced to be shipped in Europe in the next years. UK started to construct two pellet plants, one is located in Louisiana and the other in Mississippi with a joint capacity of 900,000 tons per year. Also a pellet plant in Canada has already started pellet production in August, the production of which will reach 120,000 tons per year.

  3. Millions of acres of burned over forests, could supply enough wood pellets to keep Europe powered for 20 years, but “environmentalists “ won’t let the loggers go in and get the trees. So instead it will burn the rest of the way in the next fire.

  4. Here in Michigan Canada sends their garbage over here despite all the land they have that they could use. I can’t fault the Canadian people because we let them do it through our commerce and trade rules.

  5. The Germans (and others) can burn their furniture this winter. A little cutting is required, but, hey, it saves on needing a pellet plant.

    OT – This morning, I read that Hungary was the only European country currently receiving Russian gas on a working pipeline.

  6. Trees are a renewable resource. Idiot leftoid climate cultists will never get that through their brainwashed minds.


    (P.S. Thanks for keeping the comment threads alive BFH and friends.)

  7. Once Again, Michael Moor is a complete piece of shit BUT his movie “Planet of the Humans” calls out this Fake Enviro Green Bullshit.

    It is worth a quick watch.

  8. Well, they could give up their other internal combustion engines and go back to horses. They’ll have LOTS of fuel to burn them….and it’s kinda green in color so win-win.

  9. East Texas has a lot of forest. There is a German pellet mill and a huge paper mill not far north of where I live. When trees are cut, other trees grow to replace them.

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