“Environmentally Sensitive” Tesla Driver Goes Up in a Ball of Carbon Footprint – IOTW Report

“Environmentally Sensitive” Tesla Driver Goes Up in a Ball of Carbon Footprint


Omar Awan was driving his dream car when he lost control. The sleek, blue Model S Tesla careened across a road in South Florida and slammed into a palm tree.

But it wasn’t the crash that killed him, his family’s lawyers said – it was the car’s futuristic design features.

The last moments of Awan’s life were gruesome and excruciating. After the crash, the Tesla’s lithium ion battery caught fire. Smoke – and then flames – filled the car, suffocating Awan and burning him from his feet up. Outside, a crowd gathered, but couldn’t help.

That’s because the car’s retractable door handles, which are supposed to “auto-present” when they detect a key fob nearby, malfunctioned and first responders weren’t able to open the doors and save Awan, alleges a wrongful-death lawsuit.

“The fire engulfed the car and burned Dr. Awan beyond recognition – all because the Model S has inaccessible door handles, no other way to open the doors, and an unreasonably dangerous fire risk,” the complaint reads.

“These Model S defects and others,” the suit says, “rendered it a death trap.”

Awan, a 48-year-old anesthesiologist and father of five, leased the Model S for two reasons, family attorney Stuart Grossman said: he was environmentally sensitive and safety conscious.


ht/ jd hasty

27 Comments on “Environmentally Sensitive” Tesla Driver Goes Up in a Ball of Carbon Footprint

  1. Horrible way to go.

    He should have been “careful what he wished for.”

    Most things purported to be “green” (another euphemism which obscures rather than enlightens) are designed to destroy – either directly or indirectly.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I wonder how many Teslas have to survive their expected life time in order to make up for even a single Tesla that turns the whole city into a toxic wasteland when it burns.

  3. Hmm…

    “After the crash, and after firefighters extinguished the blaze, Awan’s Tesla was transported to a tow yard. Once there, it reignited and burned again.”

    Just can’t make shit like this up…
    I wonder where my closest dealer is?

  4. A window isn’t as easy to break as one might think.

    Not by hand, anyway, which is probably all anyone had with them in the short time they had to try to break it.

    Use this incident to consider how well you are equipped to escape from a burning car, particularly one with electric windows and door locks that may not be working in a fire.

    It doesn’t hurt to be prepared.

  5. It cost him dearly to trade in his camel, Or maybe he traded his magic carpet. In either case he should have stuck with the tried and true methods of arab transportation instead of trying to be trendy. Besides he probably had the excess money to fritter away on that car because he was fleecing the medicare system.

  6. I have a window breaking/seat belt cutting tool in my door pocket. Although I do not drive a Tesla I carry it just in case I end up in a bar ditch filled with water or a playa lake in one of our ferocious Texas storms.

  7. @Truckbuddy … This fact stunned me – to think that they use a crappy flashlight engineered battery to power their car in huge quantities. I saw the STEM Battery system being offered at Office-Building Scale to mitigate Peak Loads – and I had to bite my tongue when they indicated that the entire battery assembly was nothing more than a 12,000 count of 3.7 V cells. I won’t be buying that.

  8. He should have waited for the new Teslas. I hear they are going to come with a windmill attached to the roof so you don’t ever have to plug it again. Now that’s a genius carbon saving plan if there ever was one.


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