Environuts are questioning your need to own pets – IOTW Report

Environuts are questioning your need to own pets


Environmental impacts of food consumption by dogs and cats.

In the US, there are more than 163 million dogs and cats that consume, as a significant portion of their diet, animal products and therefore potentially constitute a considerable dietary footprint. Here, the energy and animal-derived product consumption of these pets in the US is evaluated for the first time, as are the environmental impacts from the animal products fed to them, including feces production. In the US, dogs and cats consume about 19% ± 2% of the amount of dietary energy that humans do (203 ± 15 PJ yr-1 vs. 1051 ± 9 PJ yr-1) and 33% ± 9% of the animal-derived energy (67 ± 17 PJ yr-1 vs. 206 ± 2 PJ yr-1). They produce about 30% ± 13%, by mass, as much feces as Americans (5.1 ± Tg yr-1 vs. 17.2 Tg yr-1), and through their diet, constitute about 25–30% of the environmental impacts from animal production in terms of the use of land, water, fossil fuel, phosphate, and biocides. Dog and cat animal product consumption is responsible for release of up to 64 ± 16 million tons CO2-equivalent methane and nitrous oxide, two powerful greenhouse gasses (GHGs). Americans are the largest pet owners in the world, but the tradition of pet ownership in the US has considerable costs. As pet ownership increases in some developing countries, especially China, and trends continue in pet food toward higher content and quality of meat, globally, pet ownership will compound the environmental impacts of human dietary choices. Reducing the rate of dog and cat ownership, perhaps in favor of other pets that offer similar health and emotional benefits would considerably reduce these impacts. Simultaneous industry-wide efforts to reduce overfeeding, reduce waste, and find alternative sources of protein will also reduce these impacts.


People love their pets [49]. They provide a host of real and perceived benefits to people including companionship [50], increased physical activity [51], improved mental health and social capital [52], benefits for child development [53], and social status [54]. Many dogs are also working dogs and have roles in assisting the disabled, contributing to military and civilian security, and in traditional roles on ranches and farms. Cats, too, have traditional roles in pest control in addition to their roles as pets. This analysis does not mean to imply that dog and cat ownership should be curtailed for environmental reasons, but neither should we view it as an unalloyed good. It is clear that a transition to pets that eat less meat, and therefore have less environmental impact, would reduce the overall US consumption of meat.  MORE


SNIP:  WARNING— The article contains  lots of charts and data [you know how environmentalcases love their ‘data’] which pretty much explain how you’re doing everything wrong and that you should trade in your cats and dogs for one of these:

40 Comments on Environuts are questioning your need to own pets

  1. I have two rescue dogs and two feral cats.
    The cats adopted me when I was a feral human living on a wood line.
    The dogs rescued me when I was wandering aimlessly, hungry and alone.
    I’d sooner deprive SJW, BLM, one worlders, climate changers, peta, antifa, Nazis, socialists, marxists, illegal aliens and democrats of a decent meal.

  2. What a winning argument.

    “but if you go around carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow”

    Nothing has changed with these aholes. There isn’t anything they don’t want to screw with or screw up. They all need to be sedated for their own and our protection.

  3. I’ll feed my pets T-bones before I give another cent to liberal causes. oh wait, I don’t do that anyway. Is this clown for real? environuts are absolutely insane and must be eliminated from society. Check the news envirohole, people in Houston are not carrying out precious heirlooms from their flooded houses, they’re carrying pets. moocho is a tad pissed right now.

  4. If there is a problem, grossly fat feral people should be on the chopping block first. I’m sick of seeing fat, lazy, unmotivated, government dependent, tatted and pierced feral Obama supporters ahead of me in the grocery line with a shopping cart full of high end items, paying for them with 5 different EBT cards while I have to work to pay for half as much food. At least cats keep mice and rats under control, dogs keep free range, drug addicted, government dependent, feral Obama supporters off my front porch.

  5. Liberal Pukes, go ahead, try to make me give up my dog. My dog is my best friend.
    I will take one of their jawbones and I will smite the rest of those liberal asses hip and thigh unto their deaths.

  6. The dog keeps leftist from pooping in the yard and the cat hunts down rats; each kill means one less vote for the Dementiacrats. You can have my pets when you pry my cold dead hands off of them.

  7. SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT! ELIMINATE AN ENVIRONAZI. Less CO2 produced, less waste, more space for someone else, and just think……their bodies could be made into pet food.

  8. But domesticated pets are so much easier to keep for companionship that a liberal jackass! They are smarter more loyal and and a hell of a lot easier to house break than a democRAT by a long shot!

  9. Although I was awoken in the middle of last night with another seizure by Ernest T, soothed him out of it, just paid the vet bill from Petey’s nose issue, bought him 2 new toys after stitches removed, fed housed and played with them… I am a slaveholder.

    What bed wetting thumb sucker is going to lecture this oppressor now?

  10. I think our old dog Blue Belle might be convinced to go on an enviro-nazi diet, provided they’re properly cleaned, processed, and chicken fried. It wouldn’t solve the problems put fourth in the article but it would help thin out the enviro-nazi herd.

  11. The robots must have made the charts. Follow the math is clearly beyond the meaty author’s abilities. So let’s believe what he claims are facts:

    1) There are more people than pets.

    2) People consume more meat products, individually, than pets do, individually.

    3) People create more waste, individually, than pets do, individually.

    4) Eating meat and creating waste will cause us all to DIE. Well, we’re all going to die. So, maybe it will make us NAZIS! Or, something.

    So, what would people, or dogs, who CAN math expect to be done to avoid NAZIS? Don’t bother asking the cats. Cats’ll Gruber you, just for giggles.

    I’ve read that dogs are color blind. Do you really want me to think about saving us all, by reducing farmed meat load? Because I’m willing to go there, if you want. And the dogs won’t care what color the soylent is.

  12. “Here, the energy and animal-derived product consumption of these pets in the US is evaluated for the first time, as are the environmental impacts from the animal products fed to them, including feces production.”
    feces production.
    measured by the pound, presented by the word and column inch.

  13. @ Plantsman; When I was a kid I would tie thread to a June bug and hang onto the thread as the June bug would fly about. Thanks for bringing back the memory.
    It’s bad enough with the gov trying to run every aspect of our lives, but now we have an ever growing number of other groups trying to run our lives. I don’t see a bright future ahead.

  14. I will call for the wholesale slaughter of cuntbag envirofascists before I’ll tolerate them ever killing dogs and cats to “save the planet.” Getting very very enrages at these bloodthirsty marxist pieces of shit. They don’t want to save the planet. They just want a government pass to kill people and animals because they like killing things.

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