Enviros Pissed Humpbacks Not Endangered Anymore – IOTW Report

Enviros Pissed Humpbacks Not Endangered Anymore

On Wednesday National Marine Fisheries Agency declared that nine of the fourteen humpback whale populations no longer require federal protection.  Rather than giving themselves a round of applause, environmental groups were angered that the agency had not considered the potential detrimental effect global warming might have on the species when making the decision.



15 Comments on Enviros Pissed Humpbacks Not Endangered Anymore

  1. still pissed off even after the success.

    it was never about increasing the numbers it was always about “how can this issue be used to employ me so I don’t have to get a real job”.

  2. The problem is if you let the Norwegians and the Japanese go at them they’ll be back on the endangered list or gone before climate change can have a go. As it is the Japs take hundreds of whales each year on contravention of whaling bans and get away with it calling it scientific study. The study just happen to get on the plates of Japanese who will apparently eat anything.

  3. This is how leftist imbeciles operate. When the morons found out that “hands up, don’t shoot” never happened did they say, “thank God we DON’T live in a country where cops are gunning down black teens at random”? Of course not! This is why you NEVER, EVER appease these idiots. It’ll be WORSE if you give in to them because they’ll know you’re weak.

  4. Screws up the basic plot for Star Trek IV. No need to go back to 20th century, beam up the pair of whales, and take them to the future to respond to the planet killing deep space probe.

  5. yeah….about that whole star trek four thing….

    if whales are such wonderful peace-loving creatures, why were they going around destroying whole planets unless they heard whales responding to their calls???…how many planets ever developed whales to begin with???…if they didn’t find whales, poof, planet annihilated….how many planets did they destroy before returning to earth????….what kind of whale-o-centric culture did they develop, that ignored the possibility of other intelligent life????….what about MULTISPECISISM???….and, of course, DIVERSITY????? the whole “whaliarchy” should be ashamed, even if it turned out to be matriarchal….not to mention “WHALE PRIVILEGE”…they never even gave a thought to the DOLPHINS…..that’s one effed up movie, when you think about it…..

    of course, it WAS fun to watch….. 🙂

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