EPA Expected To Be Hit With $800 Million In Budget Cuts – IOTW Report

EPA Expected To Be Hit With $800 Million In Budget Cuts

TH: The Environmental Protection Agency is facing a projected $800 million in budget cuts, as their facelift from the Trump administration continues. The White House has all but issued a gag order on the EPA regarding social media posts, blogs, and press releases. Needless to say, this seems to be the first steps in reining in the agency that has waged war on Middle America and introduced endless pages of regulations that has hurt American coal workers (via The Hill):

The Trump administration’s transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is planning major budget cuts, as well as regulatory and scientific overhauls at the agency, according to a new report.The team’s plan for the EPA identified more than $800 million in planned budget cuts, including to state and tribal assistance grants, climate programs and environmental programs and management, according to Axios.

Besides adhering to a “constitutionally reckless mission” throughout the past eight years, the EPA was called out by the Supreme Court for “unreasonably” interpreting the Clean Air Act to break the backs of America’s power plants. more here

15 Comments on EPA Expected To Be Hit With $800 Million In Budget Cuts

  1. You all beat me to the “drop in the bucket” line. I see it every day. The state does monitoring. The EPA does monitoring at the same places. Uhh, Only one agency needs to dup/verify the data gathering. And, i see at least three agencies (government programs) doing the same thing. Its’ ridiculous. It needs to stop.

  2. Good start.
    Next month, announce that ALL employees of EPA are to report to trailers in the Southwest go begin building The Wall. Bring hand tools and sturdy boots.
    The entire agency will dissolve.

  3. Do it like Barky would do, multiple fronts/simultaneously:
    while these bureaucrats are wailing and gnashing their teeth, put the chainsaw to the IRS, and in rapid succession, the Education and Energy Depts. Flush them all down the hole!

  4. 10% – pretty good start.
    But the EPA, the “Environmental” protection racket, has no Constitutional reason to exist – PERIOD. As the baying of the jackals and hyenas closed on Nixon, he tried to throw them this bone (which has cursed America ever since), believing, foolishly, that they would accept it and leave him to finish his 2nd term.
    America should not have to continue to suffer for Nixon’s (and Congress’s) cowardice.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. That will help pay for the wall! Now dry those tears little snowflakes, get your panty hose on, a neck tie and go find a real job. Living off us taxpayers
    is over! Sniff, sniff. Gloating!

  6. Can you say “walking in a Winner Wonderland”?

    $800 million is a good start, that’s 0.8 Billion.

    As I believe Sam Ervin once opined, “A billion here and a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking about some real money.”

    I’m all for dropping their budget to Zero, and President Trump was especially astute in freezing the grants/money EPA doles out to the environmentalist groups that they so often collude with to enact regulations against the will of the American people.


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