EPA launches new agenda in coal country – IOTW Report

EPA launches new agenda in coal country

WaEx: Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt joined the coal industry in Pennsylvania Thursday to launch what he called the agency’s “Back-to-Basics” agenda, in which Washington gets out of the way of states’ natural resources development.

“What better way to launch EPA’s Back-to-Basics agenda than visiting the hard-working coal miners who help power America,” said Pruitt, speaking at the Harvey Mine in Sycamore. “The coal industry was nearly devastated by years of regulatory overreach, but with new direction from President Trump, we are helping to turn things around for these miners and for many other hard-working Americans.”

The “Back-to-Basics” agenda means returning EPA to its core mission:

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10 Comments on EPA launches new agenda in coal country


    Get these self-righteous enviro-weenies out of our core American businesses. Let the market determine whether “clean” coal will turn a profit.

  2. That’s a great move. The US is sitting on enough BTU’s of coal to power the country for at least five hundred years. It’s stupid not to use that energy.

  3. Obama EPA has already killed electricity production by coal.
    Small plants are the power industry in the future.
    They’re cheaper to build and locate where needed.
    Obama forced all small coal plants closed and dismantled.
    With the price of natural gas, new plants will be gas.
    Coal industry still screwed.
    Could ship overseas, but adds cost.
    The Obumbler legacy is unfortunately going to stick around.

  4. Don’t get me wrong, I’m for coal. It built this country.

    I could be wrong but I think all coal plants 60megawatts or less had to be shut down a few years ago. Or they may be converting to gas or oil. If I’m wrong I’ll be as happy as JustAl’s son-in-law.

  5. The big part the Libs are missing about coal is that it is used in makeup. Mascara, eyeliner, eyebrow pencil, lipstick, paints, whatever. For a group that tries to remanufacture themselves through ink and makeup, they have no clue what they were messing with. Don’t get me started with petroleum. Every time they mess with the prices, every thing goes up because of manufacturing and delivery. A nice chunk of why food is so expensive.

    [[Didja understand all that, Julie Whatever?]]

  6. Wikipedia: The EPA was a federal government agency birthed by President Nixon. It passed away during the first term of President Trump. It had outlived it’s usefulness by at least 40 years. It’s $8B+ annual budget was better spent elsewhere by the taxpayers themselves who earned the money.

  7. One thing’s for sure, if there’s coal in the ground, somebody’s gonna dig it up and use it.
    Jeremiah Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating, no-records, momjeans-wearing, shame gland missing, Bush-blaming, Manchurian Doorknob fully intended to drive the coal industry’s value down to nothing and sell it to China for a buck… or so. Thank God the Hillbitch lost the election or that’s exactly what we would be looking at – having to buy our own coal from the Chicoms!

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