EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice Expected to Be Axed Next – IOTW Report

EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice Expected to Be Axed Next

CBS News

More employees of the Environmental Protection Agency were informed Wednesday that their jobs appear in doubt. Senior leadership at the EPA held an all-staff meeting to tell individuals that President Trump’s executive order, “Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing,” which was responsible for the closure of the agency’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion office, will likely lead to the shuttering of the Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights as well.

Employees of the EPA’s DEI office were placed on administrative leave on Jan. 22, once the executive order went into effect. Staffers with the Office of Environmental Justice were informed their department is expecting a similar written notice as early as Thursday, but it was unclear if all employees will also go on administrative leave or be immediately terminated. More

12 Comments on EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice Expected to Be Axed Next

  1. Environmental and justice do not belong in the same phrase. How can one provide justice to an inanimate object like the environment? We are told by God to worship the creator and not the creation, this seems to me to be a misguided worship of God’s creation. We are also told that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof and to use all of his creation wisely, which we haven’t (although in America we tend to use it more wisely than in other countries like China, India and other 3rd world countries) have, but that’s God’s job to do and to hold man accountable to using all of the earth’s environment wisely for both animate, all the animate creatures including man and all the animals as well as all of the mineral resources. Just like everything else we are not perfect in how we treat our environment but going all ma gaia on it is dead wrong.

  2. “Learn to code.” ticks me off to no end, being in the field for 25 years. It’s hard enough to do without idiots adding more crappy bug filled software.

    Good to get that off my chest. lol

  3. I was talking to a guy last night who had business this week with high local elected and appointed officials here in Tacoma. This guy did not get where he is by not being able to read people. They are in shock, he said that they can’t even function effectively. Basically they are scared shitless. What Democrats and then in order Republican establishment has done by using federal tax money that you and I pay to ratfuck us has opened up every last bit of everything at any level of local, county or state government to legitimate investigation. That includes their phony non profits and NGOs that they use to launder money. Nothing is off limits.

  4. If I were ask if I had one suggestion to make all of this even better, here it is:

    Have Elon Musk send out a twitter announcing that Alex Jones will be heading up the effort to uncover and audit money given to media outlets by USAID

  5. Pretty amazing how all the assholes who call themselves “progressives” have literally sabotaged US progress for ever a half century. FFS, we should’ve been colonizing the Moon, Mars, and the asteroid belt by now. Instead, we’ve been force to bend the knee to brown skinned morons, dipshitlib whimmen, and homos.

  6. How about dropping Tier 4 & 5 emissions from agricultural machinery? That alone would drop the price of a new tractor 1000’s of dollars, not to mention improve reliability.


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