Epic rant from Charles Payne – IOTW Report

Epic rant from Charles Payne

Fox Business Host Charles Payne told colleagues, ‘when individuals make money, they’re up in arms.’

13 Comments on Epic rant from Charles Payne

  1. Wealth is for me, not for thee.
    Ever notice that when these reprobates get beat at their own game, they immediately change the rules? That’s because there is only ONE winner… hint: It ain’t John Q. Public.

  2. Making Money?

    No one here is actually making anything. They are betting on a hand of Texas Hold Em with a time limit. One side (the Hedge) is using borrowed money and large chunks of their own exposure, the other side is a very large group of people all with small bets that are willing to loose this small bet (the real activists) to put a hose in the mouth of a few Hedge funds.

    The general public who actually bought this Turd of a stock thinking it is investment grade are going to loose their money.

    If you are UP on this thing, Sell It and take whatever profit you can.

  3. @Anonymous

    Niel Cavuto = I call him “NIEL CORNUTO”

    It means Cuckold in Italian.

    Thus; Kneeling Cuckold

    Study students, This will be on the test next week…

  4. @kcir – ya know, for a Canoe head, you’re alright. You’re aces in my book, aces!

    Every day, I read the headlines to see if Justin Castro broke his neck from wearing a top-heavy turban


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