Epstein ‘Needed’ Three Orgasms A Day, Witness Testified – IOTW Report

Epstein ‘Needed’ Three Orgasms A Day, Witness Testified


A woman who served as one of Jeffrey Epstein’s personal masseuses testified the accused sex trafficker needed to have multiple orgasms a day, according to court records unsealed Friday.

Johanna Sjoberg testified during a 2016 deposition that she was a college student in her early 20s when Epstein’s alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, approached her in 2001 at Palm Beach Atlantic College and recruited her to serve as Epstein’s personal assistant.

But Sjoberg’s job answering Epstein’s phones lasted for only one day. Sjoberg said the next day Maxwell offered her $100 an hour to come to Epstein’s house to rub feet. When Sjoberg arrived, she said another woman Maxwell described as “her slave” took her to Epstein’s bathroom so they could both give him a massage.

“She took off her clothes, got on the table, and then he was showing me moves that he liked,” Sjoberg testified. “And then I took my clothes off. They asked me to get on the table so I could feel it. Then they both massaged me.”

Sjoberg testified that Epstein once told her he received so many massages multiple times a day from different women to satisfy his “biological” need to orgasm.

“He explained to me that, in his opinion, he needed to have three orgasms a day,” Sjoberg said. “It was biological, like eating.”


25 Comments on Epstein ‘Needed’ Three Orgasms A Day, Witness Testified

  1. Sources say he was paranoid of his balls exploding without thrice daily depressurization. I tried a version of that on Mrs. All Too Much. Didn’t work.

  2. 3 a day would beat the shit out of eating Cheerios 3 times a day…..I did this research when I was 14. I couldn’t publish the paper because it had turned into cardboard….

  3. @All Too Much: A friend of mine tried to tell his wife he had to have sex every day or else he could develop DSO*. Didn’t work either.

    (* – Deadly Sperm Overload)


  4. Three times a day huh? Splains what was going on in the White House for 8 years. Kinda looks like Big Mike wasn’t up to the job. Is that a correct assumption male and female members of the MSM??

  5. Break it down now,,,
    Jo han na S job erg.
    After reading her resume, thinks Epstein’s defense will be Dyslexia and believing the Clinton’s are scholars.
    Not that this makes much sense, however, he’s either gonna get off or most seriously Clinton-ed.

  6. The Claw of Bluegrass
    AUGUST 9, 2019 AT 9:19 PM
    “Just exactly where does one find these gullible women? Asking for a friend.”

    …well, I’ve heard tell that – when you’re a BILLIONAIRE – that you can grab them right by the pu…


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