Epstein’s Brother Talks About His Brother’s Murder With Tucker Carlson – IOTW Report

Epstein’s Brother Talks About His Brother’s Murder With Tucker Carlson

3 Comments on Epstein’s Brother Talks About His Brother’s Murder With Tucker Carlson

  1. The lefttards are gonna shit razor blades when they realize that Epstein is still alive and has fingered everyone on any list ever.

    Next up, Huma Abedin, former wife of Anthony “hold my beer, Hunter” Weiner, and what’s on HIS laptop about Hillary…….for starters.

  2. This was a tough interview to listen to. While Epstein no doubt deserved the death penalty for his heinous crimes against the young girls he molested and provided to others to molest, it’s not up to a anyone but a jury of his peers to decide that. What we’re witnessing here amounts to mob justice, and in this case it’s the slang use of the word “mob” — as in “Mafia”. We cannot cheer this extra-legal justice, for it is no justice at all.

    The bedrock of our constitutional republic is equal protection under law and the rights and obligations owed and required of it. It’s too clear that this bedrock has become sand and can no longer be relied upon. This is a struggle for power, a struggle over philosophy, and a struggle for good over evil. The time grows late to water the tree of liberty. We must take very seriously, “On earth as it is in Heaven.”


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