Epstein’s Hyoid bone break more common among victims of strangulation – IOTW Report

Epstein’s Hyoid bone break more common among victims of strangulation

*but also possible in suicides by hanging among the middle-aged.


These breaks are more common in strangulation cases but could also be present in suicides-by-hanging among the middle-aged, experts told the US paper, as the mysterious death of the convicted sex offender and friend to the rich and famous continued to fuel conspiracy theories.

“If, hypothetically, the hyoid bone is broken, that would generally raise questions about strangulation, but it is not definitive and does not exclude suicidal hanging,” said Jonathan L. Arden, president of the National Association of Medical Examiners, who was not involved in the autopsy.

The hyoid bone hardens in middle age, making it more likely to be fractured in suicides among that age group, according to Arden.

Studies cited by The Washington Post suggested between six percent and one-quarter of hanging suicides could see the hyoid break.


In another study called Fracture of the hyoid bone in strangulation: comparison of fractured and unfractured hyoids from victims of strangulation, authors MS Pollanen and DA Chiasson wrote that “The hyoid is the U-shaped bone of the neck that is fractured in one-third of all homicides by strangulation. On this basis, postmortem detection of hyoid fracture is relevant to the diagnosis of strangulation.”

In the article Hyoid bone fracture caused by blunt neck trauma, multiple authors found that “Hyoid bone fracture is usually the result of direct trauma to the neck because of manual strangulation, hanging, blunt trauma or projectiles.”

They explained in the Journal of Acute Medicine: “However, fracture of the hyoid bone is rare because it is protected by the mandible. In fact, most hyoid bone injuries are caused by strangulation.”

21 Comments on Epstein’s Hyoid bone break more common among victims of strangulation

  1. So, how long will the lying continue? And what for?!

    Will the Clintons ever be charged with anything? Let’s be real.

  2. Nobody goes to jail, two or three prison peons get reassigned and Shirley Snapper-Smelt keeps her job. These will be the results of Barr’s exhaustive investigation. Gosh darn it, just couldn’t make a case!

    Does it seem to anyone else that whoever killed Epstein wants it known to be an obvious homicide? These people are not desperate, they are invincible.

  3. The murder is the result of a conspiracy
    by multiple persons to have him assassinated.
    Anyone and Everyone who had Anything to do
    with Epstein or the case, past or present
    is a suspect and must be kept out of the
    loop while the investigation must be by a
    neutral party. That leaves the FBI and DOJ
    out in the cold.

  4. It happens.
    There was this Jap guy once, who cut his own head off with a samurai sword.
    So, Jeffy may have have grabbed hisself by the throat and stanglulated hisself – or he may have done one of those shadow-boxing-type punches that recoiled against his throat.
    Or it could have been Ancient Outer-Space Aliens – they have a lot to do with suicides, murders, abductions, and other shit in Arkansas.

    I remember a “Freedom Rider” in Mississippi who was declared a “suicide” – having shot himself in the back THREE fucking TIMES with a 12-gauge shotgun!

    So, y’see, it may stretch credulity, but it happens … it happens … yeah …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. He didn’t hang himself. There was nothing to hang himself on such that it would be irreversible when the strongest human drive of all kicked in — to breathe. Feet on the floor and arms free and he did nothing? Please.

  6. Lots of stories, but no proof of anything. Official sources are just plain spinning lies? They are all a vile network of criminals protecting each other–Hillary Clinton and Epstein are two of a kind NOT getting the punishment due them. Satan does not eliminate his own. He wants them to be alive in the eternal inferno with him.

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