Equatorial Guinea dictator ‘eats his enemies’ testicles and brains to boost his sexual prowess’ – IOTW Report

Equatorial Guinea dictator ‘eats his enemies’ testicles and brains to boost his sexual prowess’

I guess that would make him an African dictaster.

oh that's nasty cleveland Brown

MirrorUK: The president of Equatorial Guinea may not be a household name – however those who have survived his brutal regime claim he is pure evil.

Teodoro Obiang Nguema, 74, has ruled over the country since 1979.

Known as “torturer-in-chief”, his rise to power saw him overthrow his uncle – Francisco Macias N’Guema – taking revenge after the ruler had his family murdered.

Since taking power, those who politically opposed him have been subjected to torture and oppression.

However many claim his depravity goes even deeper.

It is alleged that Nguema is a cannibal.  MORE

16 Comments on Equatorial Guinea dictator ‘eats his enemies’ testicles and brains to boost his sexual prowess’

  1. @RosalindJ: Great minds… Alas it’s so rare we are probably in more danger eating 1st world beef than he is eating the occasional African brain. We just need to get him crossways with the Clintons and he’ll soon show up at Fort Marcy park with a couple small, round holes in his head that they will attribute to “explosive kuru”. State funeral with coup to follow.

  2. That article right there is why we need to re-colonize Africa
    Those fuckers would still be wearing cow shit hats if they weren’t trying to imitate us here in Civilization
    The reason India is kicking ass is because of British Colonization
    They showed them what trains are, then taught them ow to run them on time

  3. @Lazlo, “cow shit hats” !!!!!!!!!!!! You’re KILLING me! lol

    I can picture doods admiring each other’s cow shit hats parading around in the noon sun holding parasols a la Barry Hussein Nuffin !

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