Erdogan-Linked Activist Looks to Form Political Party for Migrants in Vienna – IOTW Report

Erdogan-Linked Activist Looks to Form Political Party for Migrants in Vienna

Breitbart Europe: The former vice-president of a group linked to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is forming a political party in Vienna to counter “xenophobia” and to specifically give a voice to migrants.

The new migrant party, which so far has no name, is the brainchild of Hakan Gördü, the ex-vice-president of the Union of European Turkish Democrats (UETD) and is allegedly not just a party for Muslims, Kronen Zeitung reports.

Mr Gördü is not the first person in Austria to demand migrants have greater representation as migrant parties, like the New Movement for the Future (NBZ), another Turkish-migrant founded party, have attempted to enter politics in the past.

Gördü resigned from the UETD citing safety concerns after attacking critics of Erdoğan’s AKP on Austrian television as the organisation was accused of calling on its members to report anyone they thought could be linked with the July 2016 failed coup attempt to Turkish authorities.

At the time, he also defended Turks who took to the streets to support Erdoğan in Vienna saying: “We did not take to the streets for Erdoğan, we took to the streets for the Turkish people’s pro-democracy movement.”

“Why are people on the street? I think one reason is that they do not have enough representatives in Austrian politics,” he added.  more here

3 Comments on Erdogan-Linked Activist Looks to Form Political Party for Migrants in Vienna

  1. So … Erdogan is the resurrected Suleiman the Magnificent?
    Vienna ain’t what it used to be.
    I didn’t know that Suleiman was a fag – but I guess being a musselman it’s a given.

    izlamo delenda est …


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