Erdogan: Soon Europeans ‘Will Not Walk Safely on Their Streets’ – IOTW Report

Erdogan: Soon Europeans ‘Will Not Walk Safely on Their Streets’

BreitbartLondon: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has warned the European Union (EU) that if the diplomatic spat between Turkey and several European countries continues, Europeans won’t be able to walk their own streets safely.

President Erdoğan made the comments Wednesday in what is another increase of tensions between Turkey and the EU that began when Germany and the Netherlands banned several Turkish ministers from holding campaign rallies for the upcoming Turkish referendum. Erdoğan has threatened Europe before, but this time he threatened the safety of Europeans if the row continues, Die Welt reports.

“If you continue to behave like this, not a single European, not a single Westerner will be able to take a step on the road safely anytime in the world,” Erdoğan said at a press conference adding: “We as Turkey are calling on Europe to respect human rights and democracy.”

Erdoğan did not go into specifics of the threat, though many Turks living in countries like Germany and the Netherlands have expressed massive support for him following the failed coup attempt last year.

Shortly after the coup, tens of thousands of Turkish expats attended a rally in Cologne, Germany, to express support for Erdoğan. On the night two Turkish ministers were refused entry in the Netherlands earlier in March, hundreds of Turks flooded the streets of Rotterdam and rioted.


27 Comments on Erdogan: Soon Europeans ‘Will Not Walk Safely on Their Streets’

  1. There you go Euro-libturds.
    It is in your face.They are not
    refuges,they are INVADERS coming
    to kill and rape your women and children.
    Good bye Europe.Have a nice decent into living HELL.

  2. “Not a single Westerner will be safe
    any where in the world”.Who the F%%%
    does he think he is??? The B-52’S are
    on the way right? bomb his new 3B$ palace
    to rubble.It is time to declare WAR on Pisslam.

  3. Watch out for that Bastard.
    The Turks are as bad as the Persians
    Only a full scale beat down impresses them into mildness.
    Personally I would nuke that shit hole, and North Korea on the same day as an example of my mindset

  4. He is weaponizing the multitudes of bug-like moozlum ‘refugees’. Good people worldwide need to awaken to this fact. The swarm is invading and liberal Euro-weenees and their American counterparts are greeting them at the border.

  5. This guy said the other day to expect the Crusades to start again. Maybe they never ended. He also said Mooslem could force-ably overthrow Sweden in a couple hours. Something tells me he doesn’t have one of those coexist bumper sticker on the back of his tank.

  6. I’ve been to that sh!thole of a country. Smelled like human waste the whole time I was there. People are treated like crap, especially women.

    Nothing good to say about it, they turn Historical Treasures into hamburger stands, especially those of Christian origin.

    I would hate to destroy it for the history, but enough is enough.

  7. Let me be the first to warn – Erdogan is a Hitler wannabe.
    He’s just getting started, but we know where this is heading, and it ain’t heading to a good place.

  8. If that dude is going to seriously join the dictator club, he needs to shave off about an inch of mustache on the right and left and then it’ll be juuuuuuust right….

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