Eric Braverman, Pick Up the Red Courtesy Phone – IOTW Report

Eric Braverman, Pick Up the Red Courtesy Phone

A lot of tipsters sent in this story, so it seems to be one of great interest.

I don’t know if Eric Braverman, the ex-CEO of the Clinton Foundation, is missing or hiding, but if enough people report about it, Braverman, or someone on his behalf, will have to respond.

So, in the spirit, I post the “Where in the World is Eric Braverman” story.

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11 Comments on Eric Braverman, Pick Up the Red Courtesy Phone

  1. I will have you know, the Clinton Cartel, aka, Cankles and Billie Jeff, are equal opportunity killers. They don’t discriminate. Look wrongly at either one, and you will buy the farm, or more likely, be gone never to be found again. If there are renovations done in Arkansas to highway bridges, how many corpses/skeletal remains will turn up, thus coining the new term arkancide? If you even playfully suggest you know where their skeletons are, you will be vaporized. And i think the same applies to micky and hussie.

  2. His eyes show all the life of Rahm Emmanuel. The advantage of being incommunicado is that no legal service of any documents can take place.
    If this persists, start checking the rail lines in Ark for anyone involuntary attached.

  3. Hopefully, Braverman is under FBI protection and he is providing the FBI with the truth about Hillary and Bill’s little foundation. Can’t wait to see these felons in prison!

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