Eric Swalwell Says CNN Should Consider Leaving Georgia over Abortion Law – IOTW Report

Eric Swalwell Says CNN Should Consider Leaving Georgia over Abortion Law

During a CNN town hall on Sunday, longshot 2020 White House hopeful Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said the network may have to move its headquarters out of Atlanta, Georgia, because of the state’s recently-passed anti-abortion legislation.  more


20 Comments on Eric Swalwell Says CNN Should Consider Leaving Georgia over Abortion Law

  1. There’s a unifier for you. And he wants to be POTUS….

    He would do better for himself taking every media exposure opportunity to attack Biden. His 15 minutes are almost over with.

  2. Someone should tell ol’ Gag-reflex that his fellow Commies would have moved their propaganda company to his home state…But the taxes are too high.

  3. …I could give CNN a recommendation as to where to go TO… it’s a HOT place, hotter than Atlanta, and one that they’re headed to ANYWAY, so perhaps they could go there quickly and take Nukes McSwallows WITH them…

  4. If we follow this utter absurdity to it’s logical conclusion, shouldn’t all African-Americans WANT to leave all of the slave states that seceded from the union, you know, because of the sordid past n’ all……..?


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