Eric Trump: If Biden Bows Out ‘His Legacy … Is Destroyed’ – IOTW Report

Eric Trump: If Biden Bows Out ‘His Legacy … Is Destroyed’


Wisconsin– Eric Trump told Breitbart News in an exclusive on-camera interview Thursday that if President Joe Biden bows out of the presidential race, “his legacy, in perpetuity, is destroyed.”

Breitbart News caught up with Trump outside the Fiserv Forum in downtown Milwaukee hours before his father is set to accept the Republican presidential nomination in his first official speech since his near assassination on Saturday.

“If Biden drops out, I think it ruins his legacy in perpetuity,” Trump said when asked what the impact would be if Biden stepped aside for Vice President Kamala Harris. “It validates everything that my father and all of us, frankly, and all of you on Breitbart, have said — what was true for the last four years: that the guy wasn’t capable, that he wasn’t competent, and frankly, it underpins [Harris] in a big way, in that she shouldn’t have allowed somebody who wasn’t capable and competent to continue to be president, right?”

“This is our country. This isn’t a game. This matters. This is the United States of America. This is the greatest superpower in the world,” he continued. “And so either way — if he drops out, I think his legacy, in perpetuity, is destroyed, and we’ll see what happens,” he said. more

26 Comments on Eric Trump: If Biden Bows Out ‘His Legacy … Is Destroyed’

  1. ^^^^^ Because the game has been stacked against them before dad was even elected. Did I hear it right, Don Jr and Erik have racked up the record on indictments?

  2. So true, JDHasty. This after his dad said he knocked Biden out of the race in the debate. They know how to jerk the stubborn, rancid dotard’s chain. Or maybe it’s Nurse Jill’s chain they’re jerking.

  3. @ Say what? FRIDAY, 19 JULY 2024, 16:17 AT 4:17 PM

    I can think of few greater honour than to be indicted for political purposes by a filthy, disgusting, corrupt, shitbag Democrat. It is them recognizing that you are a much better man than they themselves will ever be. That they can never beat you fair and square.

    It is the perpetual infants flipping over the checkerboard or changing the rules when they aren’t winning.

  4. Definitely, a dig at what’s left of Dementia Joe’s ego. Egging him on to stay in the race…and lose.

    It’s also a dig at Lady Macbeth Biden. She’s probably been acting as president, ordered by the shadow Marxist government under Barry’s guidance. Forging Dementia Joe’s signature on Executive Orders and keeping up the facade her soon comatose husband is full of vigor…not actually full of crap.

    Eric and Don Jr. Trump are very smart and strategic. They are masterfully managing President Trump’s campaign – outmanuvering the leftist media. Their political savvy is constantly underestimate.

    Dementia Joe’s legacy has already been determined. As President Trump says, “He (Biden) is the worst president in the history of the United States of America”.

  5. @99: I agree. This is a ploy to get Biden to want to stay. The Dem establishment will still want to get rid of him. This will further stoke the uproar and division in the Dems. I love it.

  6. His career legacy is one of lies, grift, murder, incest, misuse of public money and property, weakness in the face of our enemies, plus destruction of any semblance of decency, integrity, and dignity that should be expected from a US president.

    I’m sure Ive missed a few, but those will do for a start.

  7. President Trump is right. You can take the ten worst presidents and add up all their faults and failures. Biden’s legacy is that he was worse than all ten combined. If not for the mainstream media Biden could not have gotten away with that much corruption, treason, and ineptitude.

  8. Wylie1
    FRIDAY, 19 JULY 2024, 19:47 AT 7:47 PM
    If not for the mainstream media AND RINO REPUBLICANS Biden could not have gotten away with that much corruption, treason, and ineptitude.

  9. 99th,Cynic

    Exactly. But not for the reasons most think. Trump really doesn’t care whom he runs against. Pretty shallow bench. But the longer Joe stays in the longer the in fighting and back stabbing continues.

  10. Cynic and Brad, we’re on the same page. Dementia Joe is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. In fact, it’s no longer up to him if he continues as President or Democrat presidential candidate.

    Icing on the cake is the panic and paranoia influencing the left’s decisions concerning who to select as the 2024 Democrat presidential candidate and VP.
    Whoever, it is, even with cheating they don’t have a chance against President Trump.


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