Erick Erickson Sides With Facebook in Diamond and Silk Saga – IOTW Report

Erick Erickson Sides With Facebook in Diamond and Silk Saga

Erick Erickson-

Republicans in Congress have certainly made a lot of hay out of Facebook’s handling of the Diamond and Silk situation and I got curious after I tweeted out asking if anyone had seen the actual correspondence between them and Facebook. Few had. Now that I have, I think Facebook made some mistakes, but that it was not intentional, not malicious, and not nearly as bad as it seemed.

Such curiosity! Why? Because they support Trump??? The answer to that is YES.

Diamond and Silk say they never got communication and when they went public, Facebook reached out. Facebook concedes they might not have gotten proper notice so Facebook sent emails to their private addresses they used for their Facebook accounts, but then followed up with their public email contact points. Facebook began reaching out before Diamond and Silk went public.

Here’s the email sent on April 9, 2018, at 4:46pm

Email dated APRIL NINTH!!! 2 days before the CEO was testifying in D.C.

Interestingly, nowhere in Erickson’s bolstering of Facebook’s side of the story does he address the email D&S received that stated their Facebook page was “unsafe.” He just yammers away about how Facebook tried to contact them, as if the central point of Diamond and Silk’s complaints were about customer service.

The Hill-

The email also apologized for the company’s claim that the Diamond and Silk Facebook page was “unsafe for the community,” saying that the notification was “inaccurate and not reflective of the way we communicate with our community and the people who run Pages on our platform.”

Facebook concedes that they called their page unsafe to the community, which is THE BIG PICTURE that Flounder, the hapless editor of the Regurgent, fails to see.

Instead, he backs up Facebook (hoping they eat him last) because they scrambled to communicate with D&S right before Zuckerberg’s testimony.

What a jerk.

Shall I link all the lefty sites that are saying what Erickson is saying, or the ones that are linking Erickson? Or the lefties that are retweeting Erickson?

Good job, stupid. It’s one thing if you’re righteous, but when you’re so wrongteous, this is what draining the swamp is all about.

ht/ bad brad



28 Comments on Erick Erickson Sides With Facebook in Diamond and Silk Saga

  1. Please stop promoting this dick. This dick is as significant as Bill Kristolnacht. Nobody is paying attention to this gluttonous, overeating, underoo wearing dick.

  2. Screw Erickson. He’s just another scumbag lawyer from Macon, GA.

    Before redistricting I lived in GA #8 and I voted against his RINO candidate he worked for. They told a lot of lies against the bluedog dim who voted against Obamacare. I promised to back that dim in 2010 for that vote. Kept my word.

  3. I dunno-
    Rank in United States
    2,814 –

    That’s 8 times our size here.

    True, he’s on a network,, and gets a boost from that, and he has a radio show and corporate backers, and hangs out at the Safeway with congressman.

    Come to think of it, under those conditions only being 8 times our size is embarrassing for the giant load.

  4. Between him and that douchebag Rick Wilson, it’s like the Establishment released their Nevertrump winged monkeys to fling feces at us today. They were so hopeful that Trump would fire Mewler, I guess.

  5. 8 times our size for a guy that use to guest host Rush is an embarrassment. He was on cable all the time. No more. He’s irrelevant. And apparently a big fan of censorship. This is two bizarre articles in as many days. I think he’s losing it.
    Plus if the truth be known I bet his audience is the same idiots that visit the Poop.

  6. Jolly Prince Pustule is desperately seeking a significant injection of cash to maintain
    a political presence in the media.

    He publicly snuggled with Beck in hopes of expanding his exposure. Unfortunaly it
    was just prior to Pastor Glenn having to declare his Blaze was flickering out and was
    on the market….fire sale prices.

    That’s why we see Prince Pustule claiming he swapped spit in his local Safe Way
    with an oh-so-respected-but-anonymous member of Congress who trashed Trump.

    Like his equally respected fellow members of The Left leaning media, His Royal
    Highnass leaves a very wide trail of slime wherever he goes.

  7. There is no one the #neverTrumpers wouldn’t side with to be on the other side of an issue they connect to Trump. I relish seeing them lose their minds as the Trump agenda marches on.

  8. There’s a large contingent of nevertrumpers in metro Atlanta, mostly whites living in town, and in the older inner suburbs. That is the core of his audience for his radio show. They call in and kiss his ass, and they treat him like an oracle. I usually catch the first fifteen minutes just to see where he’s wrong for that day. He’s got a weird two-hour drive time show, and I think he’s mainly there to say stuff between traffic reports. They interrupt hm constantly to warn of ladders in the road and car-fire gawkers.

    He seems to have ingratiated himself with the old money leftists who run WSB. They’d like to have a hard-core lefty like Tom Leykis, who had a show briefly on WSB back in the ’90’s, but they’ll settle for an ersatz conservative who will say the things they want to hear about Trump. He must not be aware that he will be dumped when Trump goes.

  9. After reading his crap about the vulgar GOPer I tracked him down today. I found him on Mother Goose. I listened to his radio show for 48 minutes. Gibberish mostly. He flogs an electric toothbrush. His wife uses one also. I never knew he pinch hit for Rush. That BB, is indeed an embarrassment. I think I saw him once on FOX. I thought I once saw his name listed in one of those National Review cruises, but no more. He’s a non entity.

  10. I had to stop listening to Cam and Company on NRA radio show a long time ago, because they kept having this douchebag on to say… well, he says NOTHING. They would just have him on to say 3 sentences and then dump him and move on to the next topic. Who is related to Erickson that works for Cam&Company? Did he co-sign a loan for him? Good lawd!

  11. I can’t wait for his next article where he writes about riding in a shopping cart at Whole Foods that’s being pushed by a super secret GOP governor who totally hates President Trump and who for some odd reason keeps talking about his dad being in the US postal service.

  12. Moe Tom, the last thing I heard Rush say about EE was last year, when an Atlanta caller chided Rush for letting EE guest host. Rush spluttered and said, “Him?? He hasn’t been on here in ages!”

  13. banned me from redstate, like, a decade ago, and would never explain why….

    i’m pretty sure diamond and silk would need a bigger bowl of stupie for this piece……

    let’s us all pitch in and buy them one!!!

  14. “all the lefty sites that are saying what Erickson is saying”

    two sides of the same coin.
    republicans and democrats.

    the lefts “token conservative white man” ?

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