ERs Being Overwhelmed with Children with Mental Health Disorders – IOTW Report

ERs Being Overwhelmed with Children with Mental Health Disorders

Daily Wire

A surge of mental health emergencies among children has overwhelmed emergency rooms, according to a joint paper released Wednesday by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and Emergency Nurses Association (ENA).

The children showing up in crisis are often suffering from emergencies related to anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts or attempts, the groups said. More

44 Comments on ERs Being Overwhelmed with Children with Mental Health Disorders

  1. Yep.

    Force parents out of the picture, give the most insane teachers authority over them to not only question but try to ALTER their sex at a VERY young age, tell the boys to sct like girls and the girls to act like boys, criminialize their speech when they are just LEARNING it, tell the White kids they are inherently,irredeemablely evil and the Black kids they are eternal victims Nf there’s nothing they can do, and tell ALL the kids their world will be UNINHABITABLE in ten years because their parents are so greedy, and top it off with pediatrtians that are quick to poison them and shrinks that are eager to affirm their nacent mental illness, and the miracle is any kids can KEEP their sanity against a society wide effort to corrupt them in every wat before they even hit puberty…which eoke pediatricians try to PREVEBT.

    The only winners are pedophiles like Biden.

    BecUse “legalized” rape of minors is just around the corner.

    ….and in Islamic populations, has ALREADY HAPPEMED….

  2. I dated a woman years back who was a 1st grade teacher. She told me she never met a six-year-old boy that didn’t need to be on Ritalin. I dumped that crazy broad as quickly as I could. Those boys just needed strong fathers.

  3. I think it’s the pprog/woke/lib arents who are freaking out, and spreading it to their children. Kind of like Muchausen by Proxy.

    Think about the Hollywood idiot actresses who miraculously have all “trans” children (Jaime Lee Curtis, and the like):

    It’s not the kids going nuts, but being driven nuts by their crazy single-mother parents.

  4. I hated Ritalin and being diagnosed with ADD in the mid 60’s in junior high just because I was bored shitless with school and smarter than most of the other students and could out read and spell better than just about everyone except one Japanese/American girl who was one of my classmates.

  5. It’s always the children who suffer when used as pawns. The Hitler youth, Chinas Mao,’ Koreas Un, Russias’ leaders since WWII and now the Democrat party. And we let it happen.

  6. Being Fruking Knuts is Fashionable Now.

    Some of this is “trendy” & some of it is real.

    I blame the Modern Infantile Adults & their severe stupidity in many cases.

  7. Amen, Txn4evr, the church needs to preach the real gospel and not the feel good, phony baloney bs prosperity gospel of phonies like Joel Osteen and his ilk. The prosperity gospel only appeals to people’s greed and envy and covetousness of what other people have and not to their salvation. They are not even Christians in name only but false prophets who are in it for their own glory.

  8. So, your children? Amazing. Mental health can be passed down.
    While the MAGA talk is if Donny loses, burn it all down. When all the Mental health facilities closed up, a overwhelming majority became MAGA. Reap what you sow.

  9. Bulldoze all the ADA-compliant, rubberized “play structures”, turn the “play parks” over to nature, dump a huge pile of dirt, sand, rocks, and bricks in the middle of them. Oh, and put one of those “cash for clunkers” somewhere in there. The boys can provide their own imaginations, duke it out for control of the car, build all sorts of things with the bricks, and boost their immunity with the dirt. Problem solved. It also has the exceedingly large bonus of getting them away from their anxiety-producing mom.

    That, and stop scaring them to death with the specter of world-ending “climate change.” That’s criminal.

  10. AA, you mean actually letting kids be kids and have fun on their own like we did growing up back in the 50’s and 60’s and early 70’s. What a novel concept. If it worked than it can work again. They, the adults were more worried about being nuked back then because of all the atomic bomb scares which never happened.

  11. What was that I’ve been posting for two decades about the progressive movement being completely invested in increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death?

    Do you skeptics believe me yet?

  12. JD Hasty got about a 5 year start on me, but I’ve been saying since the Obamboozler introduced Common Core that the Left is determined to fuk up the minds of the next generation to make then weak and useless. THAT IS THEIR GOAL!

  13. @ TRF AT 7:32 PM

    Not getting the pushback we used to get, are we?

    It amazed me that so many people had to personally experience what was so obvious where this was headed before it resonated with them.

  14. Another an idiot anon. Unlike the left those on the right, true right let kids be kids, they teach them history, not politics, they sure as hell don’t talk to them about the left.
    A kid naturally knows what they are, it’s when faggot parents and faggot teachers start trying to tell them they’re not what they are that it screws them up in the head.

    It’s no wonder kids are crazy now, the left tells them they’re queer, not boys, not girls, that half the country is killing them by driving cars and eating meat. While they stick tablets and phones in their hands and they can’t learn how to be even basic functioning children. Then they put them on drugs.

  15. Dr H,
    Yes, boys need strong fathers.
    But they also need to be allowed to be boys.
    Rough, tumble, physical play, as well as the academics.
    Let them burn off that excess “boy” energy.
    Get them away from the Libtard teachers and mind controlling and altering drugs.

    I am SO glad that I grew up, and went to school, when I did, in the early 60s. I was a typical boy, smart, got my work done early, then roam the classroom (probably irritating everyone else). No drugs, no Libtards. Yes, I could have been “channeled” into being a more efficient (no “AP” then) student, but, give me a book, and I was happy. I think this was when I first discovered RAHeinlein.

  16. Geoff the Aardvark — Precisely. It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s before I learned that you didn’t have to have a tetanus shot EVERY year! But with six kids, I guess my mom was taking every precaution. Other than that we were like that clever meme about “Don’t Mess With Boomers”, which I can’t seem to find at the moment. But it went something like this:

    I wouldn’t mess with a Boomer, man.
    They were a generation who held their first paying job at age 7, could make a full meal at 9, and were out of the house from sunup until nightfall. They had keys to their own homes and could survive all day on water out of the garden hose unless someone’s mom had been to the store. They knew 51 different ways to get blood stains out . . .

    Mine doesn’t do it justice but you’ve probably seen the original. Kids don’t even walk to school by themselves today. I don’t blame parents on that one, though. There are too many kids getting nabbed in the most quiet of neighborhoods.

    We live in a very large urban neighborhood with another one just west of us. The overwhelming majority of these homes were filled to the rafters with kids back in the 50s and 60s. I KNOW the streets were constantly noisy with kids playing and riding their bikes. The other day I realized that our neighborhoods are like ghost towns. You can hear the ghostly echoes of children playing all over, but there’s not a one or two or a gaggle of them anywhere, except the municipal parks and swimming pools. Living like that would have bored me out of my skull.

  17. All this has been 60 to 70 years in the making by the left. They were patient and we got compliant, continuing to trust the corrupt bastards of the GOP to protect us. The Republican Party needs to be burned to the ground – or abandoned by us.

  18. @ Anonymous AT 8:58 PM

    For damn near that entire 60 years I have witnessed feckless Republicans sell the country down the river. Probably by the age of nine or ten I could see what the score was.

  19. AA, I can’t blame parents today either on allowing them to walk to school or even go to public bathrooms by themselves. When I have my grandkids unless it’s a single bathroom they don’t go in alone and even then I check to make sure nobody is in there and stand right outside the door.
    My grandson is getting to the age where he hates it and wants to go alone, but in a town a little an hour from me a little 9 year old boy was raped in a bathroom, while his Mom was standing outside waiting on him. She heard him scream and ran in but it was too late, the man was caught and arrested, but again the damage had been done.

    If it wasn’t for word of mouth people would have never even known about as the local media kept it hush, hush. According to court records a judge gave him a $10,000 bond, so $1000 through a bails bondsman and he was back out on the streets.
    I hate a world where kids can’t even go to the bathroom.

  20. We Boomers kickstarted the shit that led us to the current horrors. Remember the sexual revolution, do what ya wanna do, drug abuse, stupid and sick R&R lyrics, idiots like Timothy Leary with his Tune Out advice, homos popping up all over the place, people burning down their own communities.

    Then, in the seventies it got worse with abortion on demand, and then more shit like transgenderism.

    We helped make our own graves.

  21. There is a crisis in the mental health field, too. You can’t get into the professional schools without declaring allegiance to the Doctrine. You can’t graduate without reaffirming your loyalty. You can’t get licensed without demonstrating an approved mindset. And you cannot provide certain types of services without endangering your livelihood.

    Mental health services have descended into writing Rx for mind altering meds to mollify and subdue rather than deal with underlying causes.

  22. When democrats were conspiring and colluding to use covid as a bio-weapon to rig the 2020 election they took that result into consideration and decided it was worth the win.

  23. Progs vie for position in their fucked up pecking order based on “I’m more fucked up than you.” The prog bitch running the show in what they call a family is a textbook example of Munchhausen’s By Proxy.

  24. How will their generation manage all the mentally ill people that will be running around. I don’t know about you, I don’t want to be here to experience it. I’m seeing enough already to pray that the Lord comes back soon. Cut your work short Lord. I can see the time of trouble approaching. For He will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness, Because the LORD will make a short work upon the earth.” Romans 9:28

  25. I used to think Douglas Adams was making a joke in his Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series of books by saying the whole world is an asylum.

    Not sure that’s not true now…

    “I don’t remember many of the characters because it has been a very long time, but one character has remained in my memory for all of these years. He went by the nickname Wonko the Sane. One day Wonko picked up a box of toothpicks and noticed that the box included instructions on how to use a toothpick. This led Wonko to fear that the world had gone insane. A sane world, he thought, does not need instructions for toothpicks. In order to help the world, he built an asylum in which to put the entire world. The asylum was an inside-out building. This was necessary in order to fit the entire world into the asylum. Everything on the “outside” of the asylum is inside the padded walls on the “exterior.” Wonko lives “inside” the house, which is “outside” of the asylum. I’ve always imagined that the only artist who could ever do any justice to this description is M. C. Escher.”

  26. while the ER I work it is not overwhelmed with them, we see our share of younger than 10 children with suicide ideation, depression and anxiety. lots of anxiety. most need not be placed to an MH facility but when they do, it can take several days to find a facility in state that treats such young kids. I’m not sure what it is. Medication they pump kids with? Dysfunctional families? Climate scare? God only knows but I see the results with my own eyes

  27. SNS – Over the years we’ve watched instruction manuals bloat up into books! For example, the Toothpick Manual:
    Instructions are one sentence, while the safety precautions are five pages!!
    Just to mitigate the sewage – (law suits)

  28. If you’re not nuts yourself, just take the kids along on your journey through life while you have them. Reality is really cool in that it is always around, even though it can be uncomfortable and even dangerous. Kids want to go with. It’s nature. Leave them behind and they’ll make shit up for themselves or follow along with others who may not have their best interests at heart.

    Only if you aren’t nuts yourself. How to tell if you’re nuts? Ask yourself the question. If the answer you give is ‘I am definitely not nuts’, you’re most likely nuts. If the answer is ‘yes, I am definitely nuts’ you probably are. If the answer is ‘I’m pretty sure I’m not nuts’ and you haven’t had too many house fires, altercations, accidents or interactions with the police recently, there’s food and clothes around and the garbage’s cleaned up, you’re probably not nuts.

    Now go forth and take the kids with, they want to go.

  29. Government schools largely to blame, from what I’ve seen.
    I also see fewer people sending their kids to government schools, so much so that they’re closing them in many urban areas.
    Baby steps in the right direction.

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