Escape from Portland – Unarmed cops, an 18% murder rise, and vigilante justice – IOTW Report

Escape from Portland – Unarmed cops, an 18% murder rise, and vigilante justice

FPM: It was a big year in Portland where the murder rate rose 18.6%. That was the perfect time for Portland’s progressive politburo to spend over $1 million on unarmed cops armed only with pepper spray.

There was a little bit of excitement when it was learned that their 200 hours of training would include “Taser Orientation” suggesting that they might be allowed to carry tasers. But Mayor Wheeler’s office explained that the weaponless cops weren’t being trained to use tasers, but “how to avoid being tased”.

Portlanders aren’t waiting for officers to show up and shout, “Don’t tase me, bro”. Instead in a city overrun with crime, they’re increasingly taking matters and guns into their hands.

Of the 32 violent deaths in Portland last year, 5 were found to have been carried out in self-defense. That tops the 4 deaths that occurred as a result of shootings by those cops who still have their guns.

Richard R. Hanley showed up in the parking lot outside Timeless Tattoo. The California homeless bum had previously made the news when he was arrested for attacking his ex-girlfriend and her new beau with a metal chain. Hanley, already on probation for a domestic abuse and strangulation conviction, with six felony and seven misdemeanor priors, also pulled out huge clumps of a female deputy’s hair.

The repeat offender began setting up his tent in the parking lot. When a female catering manager asked him to stop, he attacked her. Joseph D. Vinci, a tattoo artist, intervened. Hanley pulled a knife and Vinci pulled a gun. And Hanley’s long reign of terror ended to the outcry of local pro-crime activists.

Portland’s other homeless death had a much darker ending.  MORE

24 Comments on Escape from Portland – Unarmed cops, an 18% murder rise, and vigilante justice

  1. Oh BOY, I now know where to
    go with my illegal gun to commit
    violent felonies. “better run copper or
    I will blow your $hit away…”

  2. The abject stupidity of the majority of voters in these west coast shitholes is only exceeded by their unbridled arrogance. To be brutally honest, a lot of them are getting exactly what they deserve. For them I have no sympathy, they absolutely ask for this.

  3. If you are black you either better escape or you will be run out by Democrats.

    NAACP blames ‘white supremacy’ for Portland earthquake signs
    PORTLAND, Ore. — A new city policy requiring public signs on brick buildings warning they might collapse in an earthquake is part of a long history of white supremacy aimed at forcing black people to move out of neighborhoods, the NAACP of Portland, Oregon, says.

  4. Why is there even such a thing as “15 parole violations”? Here’s your criminal justice “reform”: you violate parole ONCE, you go back to finish the original sentence, no second chances.

  5. It sounds like the vigilante’s of Portland should be starting with city council and the Mayor’s office. A few tar and feathering’s or whatever by persons unknown would be a good start.

  6. “…and vigilante justice.”

    The concept of vigilante justice only holds so long as there is a functional government that is making a good faith effort to enforce the law. Once government shirks the latter it has forfeit any claim of legitimate monopoly on the dispensation of justice. Vigilantism simply cannot be a legitimate charge when government is not making a good faith effort to enforce the law.

  7. So it is as JDHasty says.
    When elections are rigged, corrupted results occur. Oregon has become a Communist-run political system in which immoral and criminal activity is cementing a very destructive societal environment. Not all Oregonians want this, but the anti-Constitutional controlling powers are prevailing criminals–like Gov. Kate Brown and the Portland Mayor Wheeler. It has taken many years, but the planned Communist agenda is now being accomplished in the USA. Those who have achieved the powers of control are using it as evilly as possible. Dissenters are attacked. Truth tellers are murdered. Desperate people either rise up and resist, or will yield to evil themselves to get food and shelter. So the government of Oregon is creating a criminal subculture to be its controlling army against decent, civil society. Stalin’s agenda was to kill off millions of Russians who he determined were not adaptable to his form of government. The Oregon government has become just as sinister, slowly, but surely.

  8. @gin blossom:

    Unfortunately, stupid as they are they’ve still managed to figure out how to reproduce.

    That they are reproducing doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve figured out anything other than instant gratification! (-:


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