Escaped Murderer Loose in Rural PA Caught – IOTW Report

Escaped Murderer Loose in Rural PA Caught

Just the News

Police have captured convicted murderer Danelo Cavalcante after he escaped from prison in Chester County, Pennsylvania, roughly two weeks ago, the Pennsylvania State Police said Wednesday morning.

The state police confirmed the capture at about 8:35 a.m. ET.

The agency has scheduled a press conference for 9:30 a.m. More

9 Comments on Escaped Murderer Loose in Rural PA Caught

  1. PHenry WEDNESDAY, 13 SEPTEMBER 2023, 12:30 AT 12:30 PM
    “A little lead and gunpowder would have been cheaper than housing and feeding this subhuman lifeform for the rest of his life.”

    …rope is cheaper, and reusable, also more entertaining depending on how it’s used…

  2. An illegal, running from murder charge/conviction in country of origin, convicted murderer here too, yet allowed to take another breath of air…

    Bunch of slow learners in PA?

    Rabid dogs should be put down.

  3. How many more of these cold blooded psychotic “migrants” have invaded The United States and will or have committed heinous crimes? Hope they’re mostly in Blue States. States that deserve to spend millions on law enforcement to hunt down imported Xiden terrorists. The innocent lives these monsters take is blood on the hands of every Democrat who voted for an open border via the leftist agenda.

  4. 99th

    And every photo or film you see of border crossers consists of 98% military aged men. What’s going to happen when the state payolla runs out. Where are they going to go to find food a shelter. Our neighborhoods that’s where.

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