Escaped Yazidi sex slave: “Not one Muslim country has labeled the Islamic State an infidel group” – IOTW Report

Escaped Yazidi sex slave: “Not one Muslim country has labeled the Islamic State an infidel group”

Jihad Watch –

21-year-old Nadia Murad is an escaped former Yazidi sex slave who has testified before the UN in New York to raise awareness about the ordeal of Yazidi girls. In her difficult words: “Isis ‘forced us to pray – then raped us.’”

In another address to Congress, she warned that the Middle East’s Christians, Yazidis, and other minorities will be wiped out if the Islamic State is not stopped and if these minorities are not protected.

Murad called on the Islamic community around the world to do more to denounce the Islamic State, saying that not one Muslim country has labelled the Islamic State an infidel group. She also declared that “what has been happening has been happening under the name of Islam”, and “Muslims must be the first ones to resist this.”

Her words are a poke in the eye to those who deny any connection between the Islamic State and Islam, to those who refer to the IS as an un-Islamic aberration, and to those who deny that Islamic jihad is a serious threat to homeland security, public safety and, in fact, to Western civilization.

Why is no one hearing a loud outcry from Islamic states about the atrocities of the Islamic State? Professor Bernard Haykel from the Department of Near East Studies in Princeton has it right when he indicates that the theology of the Islamic State is very old in Islam and literalist; and that it is directly linked to Wahhabism, in which violence is justified theologically and historically.


9 Comments on Escaped Yazidi sex slave: “Not one Muslim country has labeled the Islamic State an infidel group”

  1. 19 young yazidi girls were burned alive in a cage by isis animals a few wks ago

    where was the press – nowhere

    what was our action – nothing

    what was obama’s comment – silence

    what will the un do – zilch

  2. Yeah, I feel bad for her and those still in captivity, but explain to me exactly where it’s our responsibility to police the entire planet. If they don’t like being sex slaves, then they and their men need to start defending themselves, instead of whining to the U.S. and demanding that we spend more American blood and treasure in yet another Middle East shithole. If we go and do anything about this, these people will end up hating us, just like every other third world sewer that we get involved in.

    The only reason that our military forces need to be deployed overseas is to protect Americans abroad, our interests, or to exact revenge for terrorist attacks on our shores. And even then, it should be a total war scenario where any opposition/resistance is met with absolute obliteration, as in carpet bombing until there aren’t two stones stacked on each other, then sow the land with salt and forget about helping the heathens rebuild their shithole hovels.

  3. They are not infidels. They are practicing islam as it was intended – the other muslims all know this, and can not condemn ISIS for doing so. Condemning ISIS for faithfully obeying the islamic scriptures would be to criticize their common religion.

  4. Go ahead and keep on waitin’ for that “Million Moderate Muzloid March against Terrorism” you dumbed-down, self-absorbed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, Rainbow Plantation, Diversity-loving, kumbaya-singing, bobble-headed, Liberal dumb-shits!
    It hasn’t happened in 1400 years and it ain’t gonna happen in another 1400 years.
    It’s all about world conquest and domination.
    Always has been.
    Always will be.
    So easy a Cave-Man can do it! (with the help of Liberals)
    Wake the fcuk up!
    It’s whut iSlam is!

  5. obama’s policy of doing nothing has been a disaster and left a void that isis has filled

    we should be killing these guys or the problems will grow ten-fold across the globe, including here

    obama owns this refugee crisis and are just beginning to feel the full import of the push for a caliphate

    these are christian people that they are crucifying and burning alive

  6. Lazlo, if we are the only good guys left, then we will lose. If we keep sending our men and women around the world to right wrongs, then we will lose by attrition, until there is no one left to defend the U.S. borders.

    These folks are half a world away, I say supply them with small arms if necessary, but we should commit no troops until they are on the North and South American continents. Yes, I know that the Obama Administration is importing them by the thousands, but thats exactly why our troops should be here, and not the other side of the planet. They should be defending our shores, not some other nation. As I said, the people we go to provide assistance to will only end up hating us as usual.

    It’s time for the oppressed people of these nations to grow some balls and defend themselves instead of coming here and demanding we save their asses. It’s just like the Cubans in Florida. They hate the Castro regime, but will any of them lift a finger, let alone get off their asses and go fight? No, they sit here enjoying our high quality of life while bitching and whining about anything to do with Cuba. Remember Elian Gonzales?

    It’s the same with any third world refugee that comes here. They get a taste of the land of the big PX, and then start demanding that our boys go and spill their blood fighting for causes that Cuban, or Afghani, or Somali (Hell, any African nation) boys should be spilling their blood for.

    If we go and fight for and win them their freedom, independence, whatever, they will NEVER respect it, because they never fought the hard fight for it. Look at our own blacks, whitey and the government provide them with everything they demand, when they don’t get it or want something else, they burn down their own hoods, then the gov comes in and builds them a new hood, and what does that hood look like in a year? Brand new year old homes look like a fifty year old ghetto, because they know if there tear it up, all they have to do is cry racism or some other such shit, and we’ll just give them whatever they want.

    It’s the same way with freedom; if they don’t earn it themselves, through sacrifice and loss, they’ll never really understand or respect it. Team America: World Police, was just a really shitty movie, not a playbook. We don’t need to police the entire planet, especially if the people we help just wind up spitting in our faces.

    Fuck them, its time for them to sink or swim on their own, we’ve been carrying them too goddamn long, and it’s starting to cause our nation and our society irreparable harm.

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