Eskimo Yells “I Hate White People” While Punching White Woman; Judge Rules Not A Hate Crime – IOTW Report

Eskimo Yells “I Hate White People” While Punching White Woman; Judge Rules Not A Hate Crime

White people are open game. White people have no “special” protection under the law, which makes our legal system markedly unfair.


A Calgary indiginous woman who knocked out a white woman’s tooth on November 1 while yelling “I hate white people” did not commit a hate crime, according to provincial court Judge Harry Van Harten. 

The victim, Lydia White, was standing outside a Calgary pub talking to another person whne Crowchief walked up and yelled “I hate white people,” before punching White in the face – knocking out a tooth. Upon her arrest, Crowchief told police “the white man was out to get her,” according to the Calgary Herald.

Yet Judge Van Harten didn’t see any racial motivation whatsoever…

Provincial court Judge Harry Van Harten, in a written decision, said Tamara Crowchief’s motivation for striking Lydia White was not related to racial bias.

Crown prosecutor Karuna Ramakrishnan, who had sought a sentence of 12 to 15 months, argued Crowchief’s unprovoked attack last Nov. 1, amounted to a hate crime.

But Van Harten agreed with defence counsel Adriano Iovinelli that there was insufficient evidence to establish Crowchief attacked White because of the colour of her skin.

“There is no evidence either way about what the offender meant or whether . . . she holds or promotes an ideology which would explain why this assault was aimed at this victim,” said Van Harten during his ruling. “I am not satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that this offense was, even in part, motivated by racial bias.”

At a court hearing earlier this year, White said she’s still confused by the assault.

I still get angry when I think about it,” she said. “I don’t understand why this woman did this. I never did anything to her. Never even spoke to her.


ht/ js

18 Comments on Eskimo Yells “I Hate White People” While Punching White Woman; Judge Rules Not A Hate Crime

  1. Found this in the comment section. Interesting:

    StackShinyStuff Fri, 08/03/2018 – 13:21 Permalink

    This is the problem with all these retarded laws. They will only be used to go after the approved people.

    It’s okay, because as history shows, once whites get pushed past a certain point, nobody kills with greater efficiency.

    Someone once said, in the next war you won’t be able to take off your uniform. I think we edge closer each passing day.

    ***This person may be on to something.

  2. actually … there is no such thing as a ‘hate crime’ … you do wrong against someone, you suffer the consequences under the law, derived from the Constitution & local laws

    today’s problems originate because of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, when the US decided that ‘equal protection’ was more equal to some, rather than others … since then it has been legal to declare one ‘group’ better protected than others … ‘Precedent’!


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