ESPN Announcer Suing For Wrongful Termination – IOTW Report

ESPN Announcer Suing For Wrongful Termination

The announcer was fired because leftists are morons. This is absolutely outrageous, that a man can be ruined because people are illiterates.

I hope he wins his lawsuit and I hope the judge’s award isn’t rendered in a niggardly way.

22 Comments on ESPN Announcer Suing For Wrongful Termination

  1. Everything about this makes me angry! Even if he said “gorilla”, I’d understand that he meant “strong, powerful attitude and acts.”, not physical resemblance. People complaining are the ones who think that Black people resemble the animal.

    And to top it off, seeing Matt Lauer and Al Roker. Not a good way to start the weekend!

  2. Maybe “thug moves” would have been better….no, that wouldn’t work. I know, she went at her opponent like a flash mob stealing hightop sneakers from the mall…no, thats no good either. How about ” she charged the net like there was a 50$ rock of crack on the other side” No again, ah hell I give.

  3. Libtards are stupid morons, and if they don’t like you, they will put every damned word under the microscope and use it to destroy you. Every single word. Maxine waters or nancy Pelosi or al Sharpton can slander, lie, cheat, for hours and hours and it is ignored. I hope he takes them deep.

  4. “The black is a better athlete to begin with because he’s been bred to be that way — because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back, and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs. This goes back all the way to the Civil War when during the slave trading, the owner — the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have a big black kid.”

  5. If you’re offended because you think she looks like a gorilla, maybe YOU are the one with the racial stereotypes and attitudes.

    It’s like a crowd of people walking down the street and some guy shouts, “Hey dirtbag!” and the leftist turns around and says, “Why are you calling me a dirtbag!?”

  6. He should have just repeated over and over that he said guerrilla effect. Make these fools look like the morons they are! So sad that this man has lost his career and good name over others stupidity.

  7. True Story:
    When I lived in another state, 20 years ago, our pals were a black couple who lived down the block from us. They had two kids, same ages as our kids and we were always at each other’s houses and even vacationed together. One day at their house, their daughter was calling to her father from the top of the swingset, “Daddy! Look at me!”
    He looks, laughs and then yells back, “You’re a monkey!”
    Good God, what the hell has happened to the human race?
    The only bright spot in this whole thing is that the otherwise detestable David Dinkins stood up for what was right this time. Very disappointing that Venus didn’t really help out. She could have publicly shamed ESPN for this if she had any class. I hope ESPN is taken for a huge sum. They are the racists in this case.

  8. ESPN is a radical leftist cesspool. No surprise they would fire someone over a word they don’t like. The guy would probably still have his job if he simply said she has a quick temper. Equating her behavior to an animal that is instinctively reactionary was not bright.
    BTW, Venus is better looking than her sister, Serina, that’s for sure. However, just like Serina, she can be a bully and that makes her unatractive in my book. Her soft voice and perfect diction can fool you. Just sayin.

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