ESPN Caves – Admits its Social Justice programming damaged network – IOTW Report

ESPN Caves – Admits its Social Justice programming damaged network

ESPN Says It Will Obey Fans, Cut Down On Network’s Political Content

Cut down?????????

It’s too late, anyway. They showed their true colors. Why support the leftist a-holes?


“Without question our data tells us our fans do not want us to cover politics,”Pitaro told the outlet. “My job is to provide clarity. I really believe that some of our talent was confused on what was expected of them. If you fast-forward to today, I don’t believe they are confused.”

This isn’t really news for fans of the network, or of Pitaro. It was clear as early as December of 2017 that ESPN’s bottom line was being affected by its newfound love of social justice. Forbes reported at the time that ESPN’s online consumer sentiment tanked from 62% to 41% with the network’s coverage of that year’s event’s in Charlottesville, Virginia, and subsequent commentary from some of its major anchors, including Jemele Hill.

Hill, who has left on-air sports journalism and now writes for The Atlantic, tweeted regularly about President Donald Trump’s “white supremacy.” Some of her co-anchors shared the sentiment, and many also embraced Colin Kaepernick and his ongoing protests during the national anthem.

The network lost an estimated 15 million subscribers.


12 Comments on ESPN Caves – Admits its Social Justice programming damaged network

  1. You discover what something is so you stay away from it.

    Just because it’s starts hiding what it is again is no reason to return to it.

    It hasn’t changed its nature, just its appearance.

    Something called deceit, a major tool of the Left.

  2. All sports broadcasting has been infected with the PC culture for longer than the current social justice programming. Remember Jimmy the Greek? He was fired in the late 80s for making a comment about black athletes.

    ESPN won’t change, they will just tell their on-air talent to tone it down. The ideology will continue.

  3. Claudia
    MAY 21, 2019 AT 7:41 AM
    “All sports broadcasting has been infected with the PC culture for longer than the current social justice programming. Remember Jimmy the Greek? He was fired in the late 80s for making a comment about black athletes.”

    …I would argue that he was fired for telling the TRUTH about Black athletes, many DO posess race-specific genetic gifts that allow them to excel at physical pursuits.

    …while we’re on the subject, why is success at professional SPORTS merit-based, while success at professions where you THINK controlled by a rigidly guarded race-based accounting system in which merit only plays a minor role?

    …we want the best atheletes so we get the best entertainment. Shouldn’t it follow that we want the best minds in Government so we have the best laws?

    …seems like the LATTER is the more IMPORTANT, yet here we are…

  4. Every Sports Person’s Nightmare.

    Don’t even want no A-rod on “Baseball night in America” bragging about steroid Home runs or some hispanic bint ruin my beer buzz.

  5. I left when Curt Schilling was booted for their dislike of – rather than their defending his right to speak about – his off-air personal opinions. Dumped the dish earlier this month. Not going back – ESPECIALLY to ESPN – even though it means I’ll miss Sunday night baseball with my Cubbies. Some prices are worth paying. Eff ’em.


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