ESPN Lost 480,000 Subscribers in October – IOTW Report

ESPN Lost 480,000 Subscribers in October

Breitbart:There are a variety of ways, in which businesses judge whether they’re having a successful business day. However, if you’re losing over 15,000 customers a day, that is generally frowned upon.

No doubt, there are many frowns being worn on the faces of ESPN executives after reviewing the October Cable Coverage Estimates. ESPN lost over 15,000 subscribers for every day ending in “y,” during the month of October.  

17 Comments on ESPN Lost 480,000 Subscribers in October

  1. That’s no easy task to lose that many subscribers as most cable and satellite providers bundle ESPN with other channels. It’s not ala carte.

    That must mean that people are unplugging altogether.

  2. Right now ESPN has had enough clout to demand the cable companies bundle their most of their entire lineup with the basic packages.
    We need the cable providers to get the message that we are cancelling due to the high cost of ESPN.
    Get the cable companies to decouple ESPN from the rest of their programming.
    Millions of people dropping ESPN a la carte will make those Leftist ESPN pukes REALLY suffer monetarily – like they should.

  3. Bankrupt entire Disney Corp. asap. They abuse their FCC license privilege.
    Strip monopoly status from all Cable companies. They gouge the public.
    Dump corn ethanol fiasco. It severely damages the environment and enriches criminals.
    Free up Recycling as the free-market profitable industry it should be. Charging taxpayers who already segregate their trash is corruption.

    Government is the problem behind all these.nAnd much more.

  4. I was going to go in halvsies with another dude for NFL SUNDAY TICKET, so we could both watch games online, but NOPE! Saving our money.

    We will go to a sports bar instead. NOPE! Not giving them our money either.

    We will just go to a few games of our choice. NOPE! Not gonna spend money there either.

    We’ll throw a football party at home and watch games with some friends. NOPE! Not buying any chips, beer, or any football accessories.

    The best we can do is just watch the highlights online. Yeah, they get clicks, but that’s all they will ever get from us.

  5. Whenever I call my provider to haggle about the price, I specifically call out ESPN. It accounts for 25% of your bill.

    When the brainiacs look at those falling numbers, they’ll say it’s in response to them firing Jemele Hill.

  6. I disconnected cable TV a few years back. Whenever Charter calls about getting me back I always compliment then on their service and that I am happy staying with just internet. Then I explain the reason I cancelled the TV was the lack of good programming, biased news and that I don’t and won’t subsidize crapola like ESPN or PBS and news like MSNBC ……………. blah blah blah.
    Hopefully they will see that the customer does have a say in what they watch.

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