ESPN, you have a problem – IOTW Report

ESPN, you have a problem

And what if they play Duke????  Oh nooooooo!

ht/ Rosalind J.

12 Comments on ESPN, you have a problem

  1. Uh, when is ESPN ever going to denounce David Duke? Everybody calling for Trump to denounce him for the 1000th time, never heard anybody in the media ever say they denounce him.

  2. In Catch-22, Joseph Heller describes a program where everyone is continuously required to sign loyalty oaths several times a day; failure to do so even at mess can lead to being ostracized or denied meals. Catch-22 is one of my favorite books, but I never dreamed that some day real life would mirror Heller’s ridiculous type of humor.

    The media requires that Trump denounce white supremacists every day, and would be happier if Trump would do this several times a day. The Charlottesville tragedy was a boon to liberals – for once the perpetrator was not a liberal, a muslim, a Sanders supporter or a democrat – so they can now call for continuous loyalty oaths.

  3. For the leftist agenda, selective standards are based on their current narrative, suppressing so called white supremacy. It’s intended to keep everyone off balance and illustrates the insanity of the left. Today it’s an Asian man, named Robert Lee, but black people – basketball player, David Duke and congressional cretin, Shirley Jackson Lee are a protected class, according to the left and will not be attacked.

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