Establishment Republican Insider Arrested For Illegal Pornography – IOTW Report

Establishment Republican Insider Arrested For Illegal Pornography

The story (No photos, no videos) turned my stomach. You are warned.

National File:

National File contacted Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions via email, and the organization clarified that Verastigui has been fired.

“The details of the allegations against Mr. Verastigui are tragic and shocking,” they wrote. “He is no longer employed by the organization and we are prepared to fully cooperate with law enforcement requests in this matter to any extent needed.” more

29 Comments on Establishment Republican Insider Arrested For Illegal Pornography

  1. These are the kind of people in D.C. we’re allowing to rule our lives. Wake up people there are a hell of lot more us than them. Take the control back.

  2. The is the second NeverTrumper deviant busted this week.
    – Including Weaver from the Lincoln Project
    – They think we’re the weird ones
    – They are literally deranged

  3. Complete spiritual darkness.
    The swamp truly does stink.
    Too bad the Dirty Dems won’t let their deviants be outed and kicked to the curb and arrested.
    There are probably more of them.

  4. .17hmr is made for sqirrels, bunnies and these deviant fuckers. One piece at a time. Big toe, ankle, tibia, kneecap, you may see a pattern beginning to develop.

  5. Progressivism is actively hostile to The Good. I have been posting that here for as long as I can remember. The progressive movement serves Satan, that has been apparent to me for at least a decade.

    Recently I read and keep recommending the book Satan’s Pleasure Palace as giving a concise rundown on Critical Theory including the history and how it fits into the designs of the left.

    We are at war and it’s not the Republicans against the Democrats, it is Constitutional conservatives vs the progressive movement. The progressive movement includes the Democrats as well as the Republican establishment. Trust me on this the progressive movement is at war against everything America stands for.

  6. Don’t know what’s real and what ain’t.
    Law enforcement is working for the totalitarians now, and will manufacture whatever they need to embarrass and convict “enemies of the state” – however they define them at the moment.
    Remember the “confessions” of the victims of the Stalin Show Trials?
    Well, look em up.
    Or just grab your copy of “1984.”
    Spread syphilis among the proles, pederasty, pedophilia, went to prostitutes, &c.

    Sorry, I don’t believe anything these maggots put out.

    Law enforcement, Armed Forces, FBI (America’s Gestapo), IRS, CIA, NSA, DIA, ATF, Post Office, Banks, Park Service, SS – ALL corrupt – ALL rotten.

    If he was a raghead this would just be a cultural thing.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Truly there is a Judas among many groups of Christians, this vile demonic fool is just another example of that.

    Hangings too good for him, and drowning is too quick.

    Starvation sounds fair to me.

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