Et Tu Hallmark Channel? CEO signals openness to gay Christmas films – IOTW Report

Et Tu Hallmark Channel? CEO signals openness to gay Christmas films


While many are still reeling from recent revelations that Chick-fil-A has opportunistically traded the Christian principles upon which it was founded for “woke,” pro-LGBT social justice causes, the head of the Hallmark Channel —famous for its family-friendly Christmas movies— indicated that Hallmark will likely begin to produce holiday films which include gay characters and themes.  

Despite having built a huge audience by providing a reliable, safe refuge for family viewing during an era when even Disney offers a minefield of pro-LGBT programming aimed at kids, the head of Hallmark’s parent company indicated that “Hallmark is ‘open’ to doing any type of movie — including with gay leads,” according to a Hollywood Reporter interview.    

“I’m gay, where are the same-sex movies?” asked one of the interviewers during a Hollywood Reporter podcast. “Have you talked about incorporating stories about same-sex couples at Christmas?”  

“We’re open to really any type of movie of any type of relationship,” declared Abbott.

The interviewer lamented that when she and her “wife” visit relatives during the holidays, the TV is tuned to the Hallmark Channel 24/7 but the type of relationship she and her “wife” have is not reflected in any of the programming.   

The interviewer pressed Abbott about whether Hallmark is dedicated more to building a large, broad audience than it is to representing the diversity of “the society that we’re in.” The CMFN CEO said, “In terms of broadening out the demographic, it’s something we’re always thinking about, always considering.”


24 Comments on Et Tu Hallmark Channel? CEO signals openness to gay Christmas films

  1. My wife, who spends hours every holiday season watching Hallmark Christmas movies, just a couple days ago said she will be done with them if they go to gay couples. I’m sure she is not alone. She is not a mean spirited lady, or any kind of a bigot. She is just sick of the gay agenda being forced on us all the time. She is not wrong.

  2. I’ve got news for you. You’re not gay, you’re queer. You know, abby-normal, perverted, mentally ill.

    No one (well, maybe 1%) wants to see men kissing men, or women kissing women. The other 99% get sick to their stomachs…you know, the normal people.

    So go ahead and make your perverted movies. The normal 99% will stop watching, and maybe even cancel service completely.

  3. “We’re open to really any type of movie of any type of relationship,” declared Abbott. In other words, to hell with principles! Is NAMBLA out of the question? What an asshole, my wife would wring his neck if she had a chance.

  4. Very little I can watch anymore. Back in the not so distant past I liked to watch HGTV then they started having “fake” home improvement shows with queers looking for homes or wanting their homes renovated. I liked watching food network, then they kicked Paula Dean off and every other show started having to have their token queers.
    Can’t watch regular tv anymore because the shows are stupid and again always have their token queers or some other SJW bullshit.
    Can’t watch news anymore, because all of it is propaganda bullshit.

    I honestly believe we’d be better off if everything took a shit tomorrow and people had to go back to living like the old days where you went to bed with the chickens, spent your days growing your own food, raising your kids, and surviving. Queers would die off in a hurry, along with all the snowflakes.

  5. I’m dying to see, “Where’s the Mistletoe” or “It’s Beginning To Look Like Your Star Fish” or “The Grinch That Poked You In The Pooper”, “It’s A Wonderful Sphincter” , or, ‘National I Lampooned Your Ass Vacation”.
    Ah whatever, I hate Fags, call me old fashion.

  6. They have been doing subtle contrived diversity things for a while. Even an actor who appears to be a tranny.

    Be that as it may. I don’t get the appeal of these movies. Three story plots in total… woman comes “home” for Christmas and falls in love with sensitive emoting guy played by a gay male actor.

  7. Even Christians have been influenced by the moral degradation around them. How often are crude, filthy words used to communicate thoughts, and profanity, words that are even forbidden by the Bible to be spoken? Hallmark degeneracy wouldn’t be much different than what has been on TV for years already, and in almost all Hollywood movies. Gradually, degeneracy has been absorbed in society, even by alleged Christians. A majority of well-known entertainers are so morally corrupt in real life, so that on-screen have no problem being as degenerate as required for the viewers’ pleasure.

    The Gay Agenda Blueprint
    A Plan to Transform America
    Posted on Sep 15, 2015 by Charles Melear
    “You’ve also likely never heard of Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen. Nevertheless, these men have directly affected your life and American culture—strategically, gradually, subtly and definitely intentionally.

    In the November 1987 edition of Guide, a magazine for homosexuals, the two men authored an article titled “ The Overhauling of Straight America .” There Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry, and Madsen, a public relations consultant, laid out a blueprint to fundamentally change Americans’ attitudes toward homosexuals and homosexuality. In 1989 they expanded that blueprint into a 398-page book titled After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s.”

  8. Nothing says “Christmas” like 2 gays sitting around snuggling and nuzzling on a sofa near a fire, on Jesus’s birthday, while the closed-minded parents eventually come to terms with their bigotry, and accept anal intercourse due to the holiday spirit….and group shaming.

  9. This may be Lori Loughlin’s opportunity to get back into the Hallmark movie business. She’ll just have to claim she’s been a lesbian all along and she will fit right in.

  10. Joe6pak, that was my immediate thought–you’re “open to any kind of relationship?” Well, then, what about a pedophiliac one? I can’t wait for the MILF Christmas story. Or Grandma Got Boned by a Teenager. Or how about some open relationships? What’s her face Hill from Congress can star in her own Throuple movie. How long before Hallmark has to rename itself as the Anything Goes network?

  11. So, the true meaning of Christmas is espoused by lightly bearded soy boys realizing that small town America will accept their gayness into their community, and will flock to their small artisanal bakery, and that big city social climber boyfriend goes back to his corporate gig in the big city?

  12. Attempting to earn the coveted Homosexual Squeal of Approval will only drive down the number of viewers, but hey, it’s Politically Correct!
    Fabulous… NOT!
    Just as Queers have their rights, I too have the right to be disgusted with that life style and don’t need it shoved down my throat!

  13. Definition: “Hallmark n. 1. the official mark stamped on gold or silver articles at Goldsmiths’ Hall in London or at British assay offices as a guarantee of genuineness. 2. any mark or symbol of genuineness or high quality.” Ergo, Hallmark will now need to be renamed to “The Lowmark Channel” because that is where it will sink with this capitulation to the queer minuscule population.


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