Et Tu, Trump, Et Tu? – IOTW Report

Et Tu, Trump, Et Tu?

Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio Donald Trump?  Our nation turns it lonely eyes to you, wu wu wu. Et tu tu. Ef you too.

Many are saying Trump’s hands were tied, that his veto would have been overridden. Well, he should have tested that. Only 10 percent of all presidential vetoes have been run over by congress. It requires 2/3rds of the senate and the house.

The appearance here is that Trump is the reluctant signer of the bill, or should I say, Trump wants the appearance to be that he is reluctant. Vetoing would have given me that confidence. Not now. Now I thinking I might be being played by the president. The appearance, now, is that he is a willing participant in the swamp.

Yesterday the right had the house, the senate and the presidency. Today, we have nothing. The uniparty is real and has us by the balls.

I’m not giving up on MAGA. It’s just that Trump no longer owns MAGA. It will live on without him. This movement was never about him. It was about what we wanted him to do. He’s done much good, but this is a game changer.

I’m an agitpropist. While Obama was president I must have done an image a day dedicated to fighting that regime. When Trump became president I did not create homages to him. That was one of the major issues I had with the left, the gross deification of a man while serving. I trust no man like that. I never believed in Trump in that way. I always thought of him as our tool, and today’s setback does not in any way negate what we’ve accomplished. We can win, we just have to find all the right people and install them in positions of power. It’s going to be tough, but not impossible.

We’re bigger than any one man. We must put our weight against the headwinds and keep fighting.


I should have closed with this. This rant does not mean I will be trying to undermine Trump, or I am going to be basher of Trump, or I now look toward #NeverTrump as if they were sages. No. I still support our president, in that, I am confident we are still on the positive side of what could have happened had he not been president.

Let’s see what the future holds. If the economy keeps improving, jobs are created, the military gets stronger, taxes go down and America gets great again, what’s a trillion dollars?

Right now I will focus on MAGA, with or without DJT. I do not regret my vote… yet.

54 Comments on Et Tu, Trump, Et Tu?

  1. By faith, I don’t worship any human being. I was reluctant to vote for Donald Trump, but I did anyway and would do again in a heartbeat over any of those so called Conservatives out there. With time Trump won my confidence, never my adoration. I’ll keep on supporting and praying for him and his administration, but I’m disappointed.

  2. In the end another big fucking disappointment like the rest of them. When 2020 comes around I won’t be voting for Trump because I’m proud to, it will because as always there is no better stinking choices.

  3. The more I hear about what’s in this budget, the sicker I’m feeling. Before the presser, Rush Limbaugh said they would not have enough votes to override a veto. PDT, you didn’t even try. I’m happy the military is getting more funding, but that wasn’t tip top on my list why I voted for Trump.

  4. As long as people keep voting for establishment RINOs to represent them and they in turn keep voting for ineffective, democrat appeasing GOPe leadership, things can’t change.

    Congress and their special interest groups write the legislation, make the laws, levy taxes and control the purse strings.

    We have a Congress that is not responsive or beholding to the voters or the President.

    Vote them out in the primary.

  5. I’m at a loss for words right now but I still support POTUS. He did not look happy today. I believe he has America’s best interests at heart and wanted the military budget increased. Must be tough waking up every morning wondering who’s going to rat you out today.
    President Trump needs our prayers.

  6. MAGA becomes maga. I can remember Newt Gingrich forcing Bill Clinton to balance the budget. Why couldn’t Trump have forced the Rhinocrats to hold fast? These budget monstrosities have become a way of life back there in Swampyland. I’m more worried about the 2018 election now than if he had vetoed the damned thing. Republicans have to stand for something, or they will go down for nothing.

  7. The Navy gets 14 new ships, including a carrier; the Air Force adds 56 F-35s; the Army gets 17 Apache and 11 Lakota helicopters; the Marine Corps receives 24 vertical landing F-35Bs; and the Coast Guard gets a long-needed icebreaker.

    All the troops get funding for a 2.4 percent pay raise that took effect at the beginning of the year, with the possibility for more next year.

    The Air Force also gets $103 million for the wing replacement program on the A-10 Thunderbolt as a start in what Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson said earlier this week is a plan to keep the “Warthogs” flying at least to 2030.

    These are some of the highlights from the submissions of the Senate and House Defense Appropriations subcommittees in the overall 2,342-page, $1.3 trillion omnibus spending package for fiscal 2018, including nearly $700 billion for the military and $591 billion for non-defense funding.

    The $700 billion includes $65.2 billion in Overseas Contingency Operations, or “war budget” funding mostly for Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan.

    “Overall, this is the biggest year-to-year increase in defense funding in 15 years — a $61 billion increase over FY2017 enacted levels,” the Senate Defense Appropriations Committee said in its overview.

    The Defense Department has been promised $716 billion for fiscal 2019 under a two-year military spending plan already approved by Congress — $700 billion this year and $716 billion next year.

    All of that funding is contingent on Congress approving the $1.3 trillion omnibus package, which is still hung up on debates over health care, immigration, gun control and the funding of Planned Parenthood.

    Since failing to adopt a fiscal 2018 budget last Oct. 1, the government has gone through two brief shutdowns and five continuing resolutions that kept spending at 2017 levels. The latest continuing resolution runs out at midnight Friday.

    The proposed fiscal 2018 budget for the DoD includes $137.7 billion overall for personnel and the 2.4 percent pay raise; $89.2 billion for research and development, up $16 billion over 2017; $144.3 billion for procurement, up $25.4 billion over 2017; and $238 billion for operations and maintenance — about $1 billion above the Trump administration’s request.

    The omnibus package would also fully fund an active-duty end strength of 1,322,500 and a reserve component end strength of 816,900 — an overall increase of 9,500.

    The Missile Defense Agency would get at least a $2 billion increase over its original request to a total of $11.5 billion, mainly to counter the growing threat from North Korea.

    The additional MDA funding includes $568 million to initiate the expansion of Missile Field #4 at Fort Greely, Alaska, with 20 additional Ground-Based Interceptors.

    The proposed agreement calls for $23.8 billion to go to Navy shipbuilding programs, $3.4 billion above the initial budget request.

    In total, the agreement funds the construction of 14 new ships: one aircraft carrier, two Virginia- class submarines, two DDG-51 destroyers, three Littoral Combat Ships, one LX(R) amphibious assault ship, one Expeditionary Fast Transport ship, one Expeditionary Sea Base, one TAO fleet oiler, one Towing, Salvage and Rescue ship (ATS), and one T-AGS oceanographic survey ship.

    The agreement also fully funds advance procurement activities for Ohio-class and Virginia-class submarines. Other critical shipbuilding investments include an additional $225 million for the expansion of the submarine industrial base and $150 million to accelerate procurement of a Heavy Polar Icebreaker, according to the Senate overview.

    The Army would get $348 million for 116 Stryker Double V-Hull upgrades; $300 million for Stryker lethality upgrades; $1.1 billion for the upgrade of 85 Abrams tanks; and $483 million for the upgrade of 145 Bradley Fighting Vehicles.

    In addition, the Army would get $220 million for National Guard High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle recapitalization, including $120 million specifically for ambulance modernization.

    The proposed bill includes a total of $44 billion for aircraft procurement programs, $9.5 billion above the amount requested by the Trump administration. The bill would provide:

    • $2.9 billion for 10 conventional take-off, six carrier variant, and four vertical take-off F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, as well as additional tooling and spare engines (Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps).

    • $739 million for 10 F-18 Super Hornet aircraft (Navy).

    • $676 million for eight V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft (Marine Corps and Navy).

    • $600 million for five MC-130J aircraft (Special Operations Command).

    • $577 million for 17 AH-64 Apache helicopters (Army).

    • $510 million for three KC-46A tanker aircraft (Air Force).

    • $501 million for three P-8A Poseidon aircraft (Navy).

    • $480 million for six C-130J aircraft (Air National Guard).

    • $400 million for eight MH-60R helicopters (Navy).

    • $387 million for eight CH-47 Chinook helicopters (Army and Special Operations Command).


    • $343 million for four KC-130J tanker aircraft (Marine Corps).

    • $250 million for two CH-53K King Stallion helicopters (Marine Corps).

    • $221 million for seven UH-1Y/AH-1Z helicopters (Marine Corps).

    • $207 million for two C-40 aircraft (Marine Corps).

    • $130 million for two C-37B aircraft (Air Force).

    • $110 million for additional RQ-7 Shadow systems (Army).

    • $108 million for eight UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters (Army National Guard).

    • $107 million for nine MQ-1 Grey Eagle vehicles and payloads (Army).

    • $100 million for one HC-130J aircraft (Air Force).

    • $90 million for 11 UH-72 Lakota helicopters (Army).

    • $84 million for six MQ-8 Fire Scout vehicles (Navy).

    • $40 million for two SATURN ARCH aircraft (Army).

    • $29 million for one Dash 8 maritime patrol aircraft (Southern Command).

  8. How much money is in this budget bill to provide sexual reassignment surgery for all those trannys that Obama saddled our military with when he was destroying America?

  9. Of course the Defense spending is something we probably all support. What this bill shows so clearly is the absolute need for a line item veto. It’s obscene that we are building border walls in the mid-east and we can’t get one on our border. The pork in this bill is sickening and everyone in DC knows it.

  10. I’m thankful for Trump. I’m going to keep praying for him. I’m going to vote for him next election. And work tirelessly to get rid of the rhinos. The putrid DC swamp corruption and deep state would have never been this exposed unless Trump was elected. I’m very thankful for that because now we know who the true enemies really are

  11. Well done Bad_Brad. Makes it almost worth it. At least he got somethings and it wasn’t all one sided like usual.

    I heard Trump on the radio, as he was signing the bill and he sounded like a prisoner of war.

  12. BFH

    He had to sign for reasons I’ve previously stated. Theirs another aspect of this too. He has some momentum in the economy. If he shuts down the government for an extended period of time he risks losing momentum. This is a big kick in the ass for the manufacturing sector. Facing a possible trade war with China he needs this to bolster the economy.

  13. I feel, and my mind is feeling me, abandoned, in a sense, maybe hopeless is a better word. However, I have learned not to trust first thoughts and feelings, until I know the facts. Sometimes the head gets spinning, try to convince you things are bad.
    I’ve learned patience by putting the aside and focusing on learning the whole picture, what the facts are. Right now I pray the facts will prove other than things appear at the moment

    POTUS has done almost everything else right, I am patiently trusting his record.

    Its still a hell of a lot better than Clinton.

  14. my only hope here is that PDJT is playing 4d chess and schumer and pelosi are playing hopscotch.

    He has to have something up his sleeve. He is the master of the deal but it looks like he got pummeled.

  15. He had one job…VETO this omnibus bill. The midterms are going to be wrecked for Republicans, but maybe not for conservatives – only hope. Now Trump is “historic” like commie, fairy Barry – second largest budget. Good Lord! If he was trying to prove that Democrats and RINOs are corrupt, this was an unnecessary, stupid move. It’s already been proven, that’s why he was elected.
    He can forget a line item veto bill – he’s clueless how much the Capitol critters hate him. Gave him benefit of the doubt, but this is a YUGE mistake.

  16. Charlie.
    “The Defense Department has been promised $716 billion for fiscal 2019 under a two-year military spending plan already approved by Congress — $700 billion this year and $716 billion next year.”

    That’s what he got, and that is huge.

  17. Trump should’ve attempted to Veto, and since he didn’t (Which greatly surprised me), I can only hope that he has some kind of idea or plan six months from now to change this. (Because the bill is for six months.)

  18. Sometimes you have to eat the shit sandwich on your plate, so you can be excused to go plot the demise of the sandwich makers.
    I don’t like it, but Brad pointed it out.
    We got what we needed for the Military, That’s the bread part of this sandwich

  19. This lady is not a fair weather friend/supporter.

    He did what he had to do. A strongly funded military is urgently needed.

    Now more people than ever have become aware of all the crap we’ve been funding for decades .

    The exposure of the snakes in the republican party has taken place, and more light has been shone on the dems re DACA .

  20. Is the increase in defense spending needed to enable us to fight our foreign or domestic enemies or both? The world is certainly on fire in many places but more pressing is the 40+ million illegal foreign invaders nestled in our country from border to border (and more on the way)! A country that can’t control its own borders is not a country!

  21. I couldn’t agree more BFH, I’m pissed he signed the damn bill and I feel as if he lied.
    I was not a Trump supporter when he first started hinting of throwing his hat in the ring, actually I laughed my ass off. Why I became a Trump supporter was because he was the only one saying what I’ve been saying for years, first and foremost stop the damn illegals.

    He is a man like any man and when I don’t agree with what he says or what he does I’m not going to try and twist it or try to figure out his chess game. I’m going to call bullshit on it, just like I said he needed to shut his damn mouth about banning any kind of gun, taking away guns or raising the age limit to purchase guns. Yeah, ICE is actually doing their job better now, but he keeps on with the DACA shit, which I think is bullshit and he signed a damn bill that does nothing to build the damn wall. It however gives money to sanctuary cities, it gives money to foreign governments, it funds planned parenthood, the list is long on the bad shit and real damn short on the good stuff.

    Do I regret my vote, no, any of them imho would be worse. Am I going to act like a damn Obamabot and say the guy I voted for shit smells like roses, nope not gonna do it.

    I worship no human and honestly don’t really trust any human until they prove to me they are trustworthy. You keep doing stupid shit that is opposite of what you said and I will lose all trust in you.

    I guess I’m too simple and came from the day when your word was your bond.

  22. I get the compromise. I just don’t like it. Still aboard the Trump train -not leaving.
    Trump did promise he would never sign an omnibus bill again. That’s a great sign payback is coming, especially for the RINOs.

  23. The military got their money, that’s good. What might be every bit as good is the Inspector General is getting plenty of money. We need that show to get started. That is more important than this shitty little budget.

  24. I felt like this was a fight he could have won. He has the DEMS by the throat, and a shut down would have brought them to the table. I’m all for the military having the money they need, but there’s so much pork in the bill, he should have sent it back. I read today that congress got a raise in the bill — could that be true? I’m disgusted by today’s events.

  25. @Bad_Brad March 23, 2018 at 3:52 pm

    The Navy gets 14 new ships, including a carrier; the Air Force adds 56 F-35s; the Army gets 17 Apache and 11 Lakota helicopters; the Marine Corps receives 24 vertical landing F-35Bs; and the Coast Guard …

    Hmm… carry the one… move the dcimal point…

    So, bottom line: “Fnck Y’all! I’s gots MINE!”
    (how conservative)

  26. “So, bottom line: “Fnck Y’all! I’s gots MINE!”
    (how conservative)”

    i was under the impression a strong economy benefited us all. I rode the Reagan wave and I can tell you that’s the first place he went was military spending. Were you around then? I swear sometimes I wonder what certain people actually do for a living here.

  27. I see “True Liberty” is back again from under the floorboards to tickle our ears with defeatism.

    BTW: How many of you picked up a telephone to call your reps/senators while all this was going on?

  28. Well, we chose between terrible Hilary and who knows Donald. Terrible would have been the bigger mistake hands down. Wouldn’t have done it different even knowing this.

  29. @Bad_Brad March 23, 2018 at 6:01 pm

    i was under the impression a strong economy benefited us all. I rode the Reagan wave

    So, an incoming tsunami lifts all yachts.

    Don’t worry, we’ll trickle down on you.

    (I’m not concerned when The Chamber of Commerce cheers a new bridge being built over the “border wall”. Swampys gonna’ swamp.

    But, you know what really Benefits All Americans™? DREAMERs.)

  30. Both parties work for the Chamber. I kind of understand how the chamber will close American factories to make a few extra bucks. I understand greed. But, I don’t understand their feverish support of ripping babies out of the womb. Do they make money there also?

  31. BAD BRAD

    You have forgotten ( or at least pretend to have) how Ronnie governed and what he said.
    Ronnie vetoed laws in his 2 term than the progressive Bush clan did in 3! And by 50%!
    In the ’82 SOTU Ronnie said (accurately and honestly) “The government can not solver problems … THE GOVERNMENT IS OUR PROBLEM~!”!

    DON HAS OK’D A HUGE EXPANSION OF THE NANNY STATE! The economy will be weaker in 2 years. All working Americans will suffer. Of course those who dont work will not be hurt!

  32. I for one not only called and e-mailed both my Senators and my rep, but I also called and e-mailed every rep in my state as well as a few in other states I donated money to. My congressman and one Senator voted against it.

    I’m sorry I don’t care how much I supported Trump and still support Trump if he doesn’t do more stupid shit like this, don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining.
    I was called everything under the sun by Cruz supporters including an Old Racist White Woman, so if other Trump supporters want to do the same it won’t bother me one iota.
    Not aimed at you AA but a few on FB who are resorting to the same tactics as used by Cruz supporters because I won’t say Trump can do no wrong.

  33. @Plough Jogger March 23, 2018 at 7:46 pm

    > I don’t understand their feverish support of ripping babies out of the womb. Do they make money there also?

    None statistically significant. However…

    The reason it is legal — endorsed by The Holy Mother State, enforced by patriotic keepers of Her Oaths… and not merely unspoken of, maybe if we “ignore” it we won’t have to admit that it happens — drives the entire, the absolute freakin’ ENTIRETY of the Modern™, global economy. What would be required to “solve” abortion would “shock” The System™ more catastrophically than a global caliphate declaring that “paper is paper, and sparks are sparks, so ‘money’ is gold and silver by weight“.

    So… If you think Davos can handle that one, without Main Street even changing their economic patterns… then, then, maybe, you’ll believe they’re ready to let “abortion, just because” end.

  34. @Old Racist White Woman —

    I’m not sure I understand. Oh, I understand that you are upset with Trump and that part, but I’m glad you aren’t aiming your comment at me because I haven’t told anyone to not be upset or called them a traitor for not supporting him. So on that I think we’re good, right, friend?

    On the other hand, I’m just not going to get too wound up about what is going on right now.

  35. AA because I started off my comment about contacting congresscritters I didn’t want you to think my comment was aimed at you. People on FB are pissing me off.
    I don’t much appreciate anyone telling me how to think and that if I disagree with them then I’m a fill in blank. Put up with that shit out of Cruz supporters, said then they acted like a bunch of liberals and now some Trump supporters are starting the bs.

    I am ticked Trump signed this bs, mainly because of what all is in it, but also because Trump brought a lot of people out of hiding to vote and a lot of them are getting fed up and will go right back to saying why the hell does it matter.


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