EU Investigation Three Possible Side Effects Of COVID Vaccines – IOTW Report

EU Investigation Three Possible Side Effects Of COVID Vaccines


Three new conditions reported by a small number of people after vaccination with COVID-19 shots from Pfizer (PFE.N) and Moderna (MRNA.O) are being studied to assess if they may be possible side-effects, Europe’s drugs regulator said on Wednesday.

Erythema multiforme, a form of allergic skin reaction; glomerulonephritis or kidney inflammation; and nephrotic syndrome, a renal disorder characterised by heavy urinary protein losses, are being studied by the safety committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), according to the regulator. More

23 Comments on EU Investigation Three Possible Side Effects Of COVID Vaccines

  1. Oooohhhh… the EU is gonna investigate. What a trust-worthy, non-corrupt and unbiased organization. I’m all tingly with excitement waiting to hear what their opinion is.

  2. And no one was warned about any of these side effects before they took the jabs and worse yet we continue to push mandates knowing these risks including children, pregnant women, and babies.

  3. …assuming this doesn’t outright sterilize breeding age people…a big, unproven assumption by ITSELF…show us the teratogenic studies to demonstrate that the jab won’t cause a new generation of Thalidomide babies, or developmentally disabled Zika babies or worse.

    You can’t.

    Because there ARE none.

    …show us the studies that demonstrate that spike protiens don’t cross the placental barrier and don’t interfere with or inflame infant hearts that must be able to shut down foetal circulation and transition to air breathing the instant the babies’ chest hits the atmosphere?

    You can’t.

    Because you didn’t do any.

    …well, let’s see if anything harmful is excreted in mother’s milk in lactating females, anything that could give rise to childhood cancers particular to growth, like osteoblatosis, or leukemia, or that it doesn’t cause clotting issues in developing lungs?

    …oh, didnt do those either. I see.

    …there’s TONS of questions there are NO studies to answer, and the Jab may well destroy a GENERATION of children physically and mentally, but sure, let’s just FORCE this thing and find out if we have deceribated kids with flippers for limbs later, if you think the Children’s Hospital is sad NOW, just WAIT until the infantile birth defects crowd out the NICU…

  4. Great news, I just returned home from successful prostate surgery yesterday. They kept me overnight for observation and let me go home an hour ago. Everything went well, I totally lost track of time after the anesthesiologist put me under around 11 AM to do the surgery and woke me up about 6 or 7 hrs. later unaware that it was after 5:30 PM when they took me over to the hospital room for the night. Other than having to wear a catheter for the next 2 weeks I am well and can go back to work in about 4 weeks. My Urologist said I had an enlarged prostate and all went well and that I should quickly and safely recover. Thank God for the miracle of modern medicine, it was nothing like this when my grandparents were my age 60 years ago.

  5. I saw this story yesterday. As a person with kidney issues I am thankful Im not a sheeple. I didn’t run out to get the jab because they told me to. In another story it said,”Some of the patients under examination had pre-existing kidney ailments.”

    So, I take a jab that potentially hurts my already injured kidneys. The jab fails and so I need to get jabbed again putting more bad stuff into my system. They always say, without fail, the side effects are rare. It’s not rare for the person who does suffer the side effect. Their life is altered forever.

    What do the jabbed kidneys do? They work harder because they have to filter micro clotted blood and the filters get clogged.

    If you get Covid the kidneys are at risk. That’s why they wanted kidney patients to get the shot. Now, the shot does what Covid in the wild does. Great job super scientists! Yet, the FDA will approve this nightmare.

  6. I just read in our local paper’s “Sheriff’s Report” that an elderly lady (their description) had a bad reaction to the vaccine and had to be Ambulanced to the Hospital (that’ll cost her about $4,000 – if she survives – we’re taxed for the Ambulance Service and then have to pay when we use it – sort of like the Post Office).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. ”Some of the patients under examination had pre-existing kidney ailments” so the jab is not to blame.

    ”Some of the patients under examination had pre-existing pulmonary or heart ailments” so they definitely died of COVID and we need to give everyone the jab, make them wear a mask, and lock them up.

  8. geoff the aardvark
    AUGUST 12, 2021 AT 3:31 PM
    “Great news, I just returned home from successful prostate surgery yesterday.”

    That IS great news, Geoff, that you came through with flying colors and are looking forwards to full and complete healing. Its good that medicine has not completely failed yet and that you had skilled doctors and nurses to attend you, but never forget that the Lord made their knowledge possible, that He steadied their hands, focused their minds, and that the miracle of healing in your body is being carried out by Him as we speak, they only set the stage for the TRUE healing to commence.

    Just wondering if you had any issues coming out of anesthesia. I had a hernia surgery a month or two back and I’m told that as I was awaking that I tried to get up to get a screwdriver, that I had a blue handled and red handled screwdriver RIGHT THERE and someone better pick them up, and that I loudly thanked the doctor for not cutting my nutz off.

    I remember NONE of this.

    …in any case, may the Lord guard you and guide your healing, may He knit your body together better than ever, may He minimize your pain and maximize your quality of life, and allow those who love you precious more time to be witb you, until it comes your time to lay your trophies down and be with Him forever. May your eyes not dim, your mind not fog, and your treasures remain with you until the end. And we ask this all in the healing name of Jesus, amen.

    God bless,

  9. illustr8r
    AUGUST 12, 2021 AT 3:55 PM

    Msy the Lord bless you as well about your kidney issues, may He protect you from the ill that man’s medicine may inflict, guide your doctor to what is best for the body He gave you, and strengthen and heal you in this, and in all things, that you may be able to continue to share your God given talents with us for years to come. Your need may be great but He is greater, so we can confidently ask His healing for you in the merciful name of Jesus, amen.

    God bless,

  10. geoff the aardvark; I wish you the best, follow the doctors orders, try not to over do it. Take your meds as directed. Avoid gloom. Your on you way back, just keep it going.

  11. Tim
    AUGUST 12, 2021 AT 3:58 PM
    “I just read in our local paper’s “Sheriff’s Report” that an elderly lady (their description) had a bad reaction to the vaccine and had to be Ambulanced to the Hospital (that’ll cost her about $4,000 – if she survives – we’re taxed for the Ambulance Service and then have to pay when we use it – sort of like the Post Office).”

    …that’s one reason I got out of the patient schlepping business right there. When I started it was fully taxpayer supported, and we charged NOTHING for transport, which made sense since we were getting next to nothing to provide the labor for it. I was always gratified to be able to tell people who had real, dire problems that ONE problem they did NOT have to worry about was paying for the flipping AMBULANCE, since the good people of Fisher Price Village already paid their freight, and its not like you plan to take a trip in one when you get up in the morning, so you cant be mad folks don’t budget for it.

    I was so proud of this (and yes, I lived in my district so I paid taxes for me too) that the ONE and ONLY time I worked for a TAX LEVY was for my Department, and I even put on my dress whites, badge, and bell cap and TALKED TO PEOPLE DOOR TO DOOR if they were out and wanted to talk, and BELIEVE Me that one thing I NEVER do willingly is TALK TO PEOPLE, so this was SUPER important to me.

    Then some Council jackass decided they didn’t want to pass up that sweet, sweet insurance money, so they made us start billing.

    It was technically “soft billing”, at least at first, you’d get 2 bills and they’d drop it, no collections or nothing.

    But it wasn’t like they reduced any taxes, either.

    I didn’t consider MY role to be a City colections agent, so (especially if it was someone who was of no means and/or no insurance), I would tell them about the “soft” part even though I wasn’t SUPPOSED to, so it wouldn’t be a factor in what might be a life-altering decision to seek medical care or not.

    But that whole stupid thing was the beginning of the end for me…

    …I sent a dying kid to the hospital just a couple weeks ago. He was trying to work to better himself, his moms didn’t have money for luxuries like college so he was working to learn.

    He passed at the hospital.

    His mom had a BUNCH of crap to deal with that day, mostly because you don’t budget to bury your 19 year old son, but there she was.

    People like that don’t need an ambulance bill for their son’s Last Ride.

    …because it wasn’t like he could have refused in his condition anyway…

  12. Illustr8r, I guess I didn’t really complete my thought. I should have said a Medical Exemption from the Covid jab. You probably figured that out, but I just wanted to make sure. Stay safe.

    And good news Geoff, now you get to heal up.

  13. @joe I haven’t tried to get a medical exemption yet. I’m saving all these new news stories for ammo for when the time comes.

    I’m on several kidney forums and some docs are telling people don’t get the shot because many don’t get the anti bodies and others are for the shot. Many kidney folks have had Covid (and no jab) and it was a bad cold like everyone else-even those on dialysis. I know it affects everyone different and that’s no guarantee it’ll be the same for you. Many people fear the jab like I do.

    My doctor would likely insist I get it. I got pigpiled by friends last week to get it. I’m in jab overload and then I see the kidney story yesterday….😖🤯

  14. Illustr8r, here is another bit of info to put in your file. It’s from the Stew Peters Show, he is on this story like white on rice. One of his frequent guests is Dr. Jane Ruby, and she is reporting that the FDA/CDC is adding a black box warning to the inserts of the mRNA information warning of an increase in Myocarditis, particularly in young people.


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