EU-US Officials Suggesting Ukraine “Give Peace a Chance” Now – IOTW Report

EU-US Officials Suggesting Ukraine “Give Peace a Chance” Now


All things considered, this is a positive first step and the first significant indication that Western propaganda around World War Reddit is failing.

According to sources who are speaking to NBC News, U.S. and EU officials are gently beginning to talk to Ukraine government officials about what steps might need to be taken to bring an end to the Ukraine-Russia war. Obviously, for those who do not pretend, we all know the decision to end this conflict comes down to the USA telling Ukraine President Zelenskyy to open peace talks with Russia. More

5 Comments on EU-US Officials Suggesting Ukraine “Give Peace a Chance” Now

  1. The American swamp (democrats and GOPe garbage) instigated this war. It was never more than a money-laundering operation. I’m ashamed of being an American when the utter human garbage thatinfests out goverment, our schools and our media remain in power. I’ve been saying this forever, but secession is our only way out of this.

  2. And why don’t all the progtards sing a hearty chorus of Kumbaya as well as Give Peace A Chance. And then maybe they could all visualize whirled peas. I hate the left! This makes as much sense as all the dumbass hippies trying to levitate the Pentagon during an anti-Vietnam war rally back in the early 70’s. A little sitar music please and chanting Om would go well in the background.


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