Europe Slumbers Through Another Wake-Up Call – IOTW Report

Europe Slumbers Through Another Wake-Up Call


The comfortable era of prosperity and the welfare state under the protective umbrella of American defence is ending and Europe needs to “switch to a war economy”, the director of a top European security forum warns.

The United States is drifting away from Europe as a new generation of voters and politicians focus on the Asia Pacific region rather than over the Atlantic, and European states need to start urgent work to prepare for a future era of increased conflict without American firepower to fall back on, Professor Katarzyna Pisarska of the Warsaw Security Forum has told a top German newspaper. More

9 Comments on Europe Slumbers Through Another Wake-Up Call

  1. How ’bout the next time the Europeans go for each others throats, the U.S. DOESN’T get involved, O.K.? Saving western Europe’s ass twice last century was more than enough.

  2. A “war economy” might not be the best term. Maybe an “aggressive defense economy” is a better description. Regardless, Europe better be prepared to defend themselves, the US is not a dependable defender of their borders. Hell, we won’t even defend our own borders!

  3. To hell with NATO.

    I think my energy and training would best be spent on spotting UN helmets.

    I think they are gonna try to false flag some kinetic here in the USA between the public so the UN can come in and “stop it”.

    They’re already implementing the predictive programming on us unwashed masses with the Obama movie and the Civil War movie coming next year.

    They WANT us to lose our shit, but cooler heads have prevailed……so far.

  4. Each European state will explode internally.
    They’ve imported the rat-people who will spark the wars – wars of evil Satanic izlam against whatever cultures of the individual European states remains.
    Barbarism v Civilization – even the tepid, decadent civilization of Europe.

    The barbarians cannot abide civilization – they demand – and will kill to produce and sustain – the Satanic theocracy prevalent in their native shit-holes.

    The WEF and One-Worlders released these murderous maggots into the West under the mistaken impression that they can be controlled. Europe will degenerate into a vast Lebanon – a Pol Pot Cambodia pretending to be izlamic.

    Izlam, Communism, Socialism, Nazism – all are different hats of nihilistic totalitarianism. Life, Liberty, and Happiness will be crushed.

    And the Satanic maggots are doing the same things here – Europe isn’t the only one in need of a “wake-up” call.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. His mouth says “war economy” but his fist says “martial law”, and when he says, “a future era of increased conflict”, he’s not talking about continentsl armies slugging it out on the edges of Western civilization, he’s talking about dirty little civil wars within the Schengen Zone, brought about by the insane importation of murderous, implacable hostiles.

    When an empire destroys its own agricultural and industrial sectors in the name of stupid concepts like climate change, it ends up with rationing, and rationing is the core of a “war economy”. Europe, your betters have failed you. You will pay for their failure. Likewise for us in the USA.


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