European Leftist Regrets Supporting Multiculturalism – Says It Failed – IOTW Report

European Leftist Regrets Supporting Multiculturalism – Says It Failed

This is a depressing video

37 Comments on European Leftist Regrets Supporting Multiculturalism – Says It Failed

  1. A friend here in Amsterdam told myself that this is a very good site to have the nice talks and conversations with smart and good liberal Americans.

    I hope that I have founds it and am in the right place?


  2. Willem, there’s a couple libs that show up to try and bait us into a worthless exchange but for the most part we are level headed, Patriotic Americans, some good Canucks too, that are sick to death of liberal suicidal tendencies. Liberalism is destroying every First World Nation on the planet.

  3. @ Willem Van Boogsma APRIL 28, 2022 AT 6:39 PM

    A friend here in Amsterdam told myself that this is a very good site to have the nice talks and conversations with smart and good liberal Americans.

    I hope that I have founds it and am in the right place?


    As tailored as your comment appears, It still comes across as a pre-written spam post.

    The dead give-away is saying “smart and good liberal Americans.”

    F— off. Ban his IP, admins. That’s dis-ingenuous spam.

  4. What the Hell? Look no further than the former Yugoslavia to see how well Multiculturalism worked once a brutal Communist Dictator was no longer controlling things. Take a stroll around Paris, France or Brussels, Belgium after dark if you dare. Attend a rock concert in Paris, or draw a picture of Allah’s messenger, Mohammed on the sidewalk in Amsterdam if you want to enjoy real Multiculturalism before some Muslim savage cuts your head off.

  5. Hey Willem,if you look at Willy’s comment you’ll see a perfect example of what I described. One of our small minded libs trying to bait one of us into a useless, meaningless exchange. Sometimes is fun, other times not so much.

  6. The Left do not understand the concept of turning around and going back to the place where they took the wrong turn. They are just one abandoned bad idea after another, after another, after another. Nothing but destruction in their wake.

  7. …and wasted money and effort and time and destroyed lives.

    It’s very safe to say that Progtards are just not bright at all. Even if what they do is in service to their evil agenda fails, they’re not smart enough to fine tune it to work even a little. Total destruction.

  8. The U.S. was the most successful country in the world at accommodating the people of the world to our shores. It worked because at bottom we shared the same values as taught in our schools and in our churches. As soon as you let someone move into your home who refuses to learn your language, refuses to follow common sense rules, etc., it’s a house in splinters. And those rules worked because they were part of our Founding and instilled in our education and in our families.

  9. Multiculturalism just means guilty white people want diverse faces around them…..just the diverse faces, not the culture. Yurrup wanted brown polite Yurropeons who drank earl grey tea and played croquet. In other words, Yurropeons. You douche bags literally took people out of their natural environment and tried to force a false dichotomy on them.

    If these were animals there’d be Yurropeons marching in the street demanding they be returned to the wild.

  10. ((((((Willem Van Boogsma)))))???….((( Willem Van Boogsma)))))???? Where are you!!!….

    Guy wants to talk to nice liberal people and all we get is U Gotz….Maybe he’s got an internet deal where I can make $10K an hour….LOLLY POPS FOR EVERYONE!!!!

  11. AA, THE Left are like the passengers on the Poseidon who were stupid enough t follow someone deeper under water instead of toward the surface. They just don’t have a clue!

  12. Just because you sit down at the table. Put your wallet on the table. And (even) have the table rules explained to you. (By some filthy guy. Who refuses to sit at the table.)

    Doesn’t mean somebody “cheated”. When they take your wallet. Thank you. And offer you the opportunity(!) to keep playing. If you sign a check with your (unaborted) child’s name.

    It just means your smart. And en-titled. And a prinxess.

  13. Erik

    Well it’s an A in NorCal. No shit, I’ve seen “A” women run through an intersection with a death grip on the wheel, eyes almost round, and never ever lift off the throttle. Screaming all the way. It’s Fing amazing. Ive personally watched at least ten wrecks do to UFAs while living in the Bay Area.

  14. People who even half a generation ago didn’t understand that they could ride the donkey instead of walking beside it have no business operating motor vehicles.


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