European Men- More Replacements For You Have Arrived – IOTW Report

European Men- More Replacements For You Have Arrived

“Refugees” heading for Spain.

Where are the women and children?

Warning: Video may depress you, unless you’re a progtard. Then it will lift your heart… until they move next door to you.


Since the beginning of the year, according to the International Organization for Migration, 3,125 migrants crossed the Spanish border through the enclaves of Melilla and Ceuta, not including those who crossed the border on Thursday.  Ceuta is a Spanish autonomous city in North Africa, sharing a four-mile-long border with Morocco.

12 Comments on European Men- More Replacements For You Have Arrived

  1. Try to bring in 30 million thin young babes from South Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe and watch how quickly the leftist gynocracy slams those borders doors shut.

  2. While I mostly saw people grateful to be in a new country, all I saw was men. Where is the obligation to stay with your women and children AND FIX YOUR OWN DAMN COUNTRY? Cowards flee, a worse cowards flee leaving their women and children behind. Men of courage and integrity stay and fight to improve the situation where they live, or they take their women and children with them.

  3. There can be no other explanation…some few thousand years ago, a genetic event occurred and some number of humans crossed a line that gave them self awareness, empathy, recognition of a complex reality, the ability to build two plus story structures, to socially expand into a community and family with love equal or greater than the self and to conceive of Individual Liberty…those who have missed the gene bundle are the Sociopaths who need a self designed reality structure, who love only the self and who build nothing and destroy everything that they touch. These Migrants are a separate problem but they are running through the streets stressing civilization because of the Leftists Sociopaths using them as a tool to destroy everything you love…You are not being replaced by ethnic migrants, you are being ground into slavery, your civilization murdered…know your enemy, it is the Leftist, Progressive who cannot comprehend reality but has a substitute self designed reality structure that has but one agenda and that is animal naked power..The Left cannot conceive of morality except as a tool, is outraged by something new every day and yet does not care about anyone or anything. They can hold simultaneous views because they believe in nothing but the self..

  4. I think the only explanation is that they are trying to stir up bloodshed and chaos…to what end? Restructuring of some kind. People are going to start killing those guys, and then what?

  5. I am amazed that liberals don’t see this as a problem. Do they really think that these Moslem hordes will spare them when they take control? They are nothing but useful idiots! It’s like people rooting for cancer, thinking it will spare them!


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