Evan – IOTW Report


This video is a challenge, and you only have one opportunity to see it before your challenge is over.

Pay attention.

Watch the entire video, it’s “triggering.”

36 Comments on Evan

  1. I know how to make the screening process much easier for the school districts. Eliminate all kids that come from conservative families and just watch the Liberal kids.

  2. Is every kid we look at a potential murderer? I think that Trent guy who got posted here the other day is a possibility of going bonkers. He’s an anarchist and a Libertarian, and looks like a dweeb – pajama boy. Worst types to go postal.

  3. Oh, G_d, not the “Sandy Hook” shibboleth again. What the left will never, NEVER admit, is that Sandy Hook was their fault. The mother was attempting to involuntarily commit her son for mental hospitalization and evaluation, but could not due to DildoCrat passed laws, “for the rights of the patients” (or some such twaddle).

  4. Guns don’t commit violence.
    Hutus murdered over 800,000 Tutsis in less than 6 weeks with machetes and clubs.
    Columbus and Marseilles saw the advent of the killer automobile (supported by knives).
    Typical bait-and-switch by the socialists – tyranny CANNOT be imposed on an armed population. PERIOD.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Yet kids are suspended from school for “weapons” made of chicken-fingers and Pop Tarts.

    I’d like to suggest that we keep a critical eye on the Mosques…oh yeah, that would be wrong.

  6. School bullies constantly get away with ASSAULT. They should be treated as adults and JAILED. By the time bullies are in high school most will have learned. When the victim – – and they ARE victims – – sees that bullies (assaulters) always get away with no consequences after many years a few react in overtly violent ways. Unfortunately they don’t go after the bullies, they take it out on everyone.

    In a just society the INITIATION OF FORCE is a crime including when the government does it. When the government constantly gets away with it the society becomes unjust on many levels.

  7. The deterrent for this kind of act is not found in the law. Fifty years of social engineering by the government’s various do gooder programs has unleashed a veritable storm of sociopaths. This was accomplished by removing the father figure from the American family and replacing him with a government check.

  8. I make a point of emphasizing to my church and scout kids how important it is that they look out for each other, to protect each other from other kids, adults, themselves, when much of what goes on is hidden from adults like me who would take action if they only knew. It’s something I go out of my way to preach. But I wonder whether this contrived video will initiate change in anyone, or whether it will do little more than make its creators feel good and make others feel guilty for not spending every moment watching the fringe element.

  9. What really happened. After the dude in the doorway with the rifle showed up, the kid, shown throughout the video with his firearm, pulled out his pistol and shot the SOB.

  10. Maybe if we make sure there are no winners, no competition, give participation trophies to everyone, re-write history, remove the Pledge of Allegiance, vilify patriotism, embrace perversion and take GOD out of the schools everyone will hold hands and sing Kumbaya. There it’s all fixed.

  11. Liberal crap. It should be stop the violent mentally ill. Guess that’s too hard. Something big is missing here. Where the heck are this little twist’s parents in the grand scheme of things?

  12. It’s MY fault the shooter ignored the ‘gun free zone’ signs and went on a rampage against people he KNEW couldn’t defend themselves.

    It’s not the nutjob’s fault he shot a bunch of innocent people. It’s not the nutjob’s fault he bought a gun from a criminal or stole it.

    None of it can be blamed on liberal policies that convinced him he was a victim, kept the bullies from being ‘profiled’ or punished when they acted up, crammed years of drugs on him for ‘ADHD’ until there were no clean brain cells left, took the kid’s father out of the picture, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

    Nope, it’s MY fault.

  13. Oh the kid was a ‘problem’? OK well, what did the school do when someone complained he was acting crazy, violent etc? Yeah, nothing, because he’s a special snowflake and you’re not supposed to pick on bullies because he’s special and challenged and probably acting this way because he wants to be a girl or whatever. lol.

    There are times when a parent tries to get help for their child because he’s dangerous but no one is there to listen to them and no one allows for the kid to get locked up.

    But anyway, you can explain that video in many ways… What I saw was some kid looking at guns in the library – which would not have been allowed because most everything is blocked, right? But then, what if a kid was looking at guns. Was it because of a video game? was it because he actually hunts with his mom or dad? Was it because he was watching an anti-gun ad?

    When he knocked the kid’s books out of his hands in the hallway. It’s a typical smart assed thing kids do to each other. We’re supposed to see he was looney from that?

    Gun fingers. OMG GUN FINGERS!!! He may as well have been nibbling a pop tart. Seen that, too. No one got shot over it and it was usually friends saying, “gotcha, bitch!” when they won at a game.

    How about you pay attention when a kid starts acting a fool bringing in a fake bomb and starts a countdown timer. Oh shit, wait, Clock Boy tried that and he’s suing the school for $15 million. Pussy libs, PC and handwringing is the problem here.

    The PC/ Progressive system victimizes a person who tries to set things right instead of going after the criminal or the bully. Look at Europe!

  14. And the sign said, “Everybody welcome. Come in, kneel down and pray”
    But when they passed around the plate at the end of it all
    I didn’t have a penny to pay
    So I got me a pen and a paper and I made up my own little sign
    I said, “Thank you, Lord, for thinkin’ ’bout me. I’m alive and doin’ fine”

    But you cant say that in school anymore.

  15. Oh! It’s about gun violence. Well maybe if they bothered to enforce the standards in the $&#(%&^#(%@ schools, we would not have kids going off and killing each other! Has anyone noticed how horrible public education has become? You either ( in a figurative sense ) kill or be killed!

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