Evangelical Lutherans Elect First Transgender Bishop – IOTW Report

Evangelical Lutherans Elect First Transgender Bishop

The Hill

The Evangelical Lutheran Church elected its first openly transgender bishop on Saturday.

The Rev. Megan Rohrer, who uses the pronouns they and them, was elected bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Sierra Pacific synod, The Associated Press reported Monday. They will serve in the post for a six-year term.

Rohrer, 41, is the first transgender person known to serve as a bishop in any major U.S. Christian denomination More

According to their website, the Sierra Pacific synod is “Committed to being re-formed.”

16 Comments on Evangelical Lutherans Elect First Transgender Bishop

  1. They & Them. How does that work?

    They went to the the restaurant for dinner to meet a first date. When the date quickly left, them sat sobbing at the table wondering if it was because them had a dick or a peach?

    Good luck MS Word figuring out grammar in the next decade.

    The person is transgender, yet wants to be addressed as a plural. Who else is in there? Satan? -Dr. Tar

  2. Martin Luther is rolling over in his grave and wants to come back and kick some liberal progtards ELCA types in their keister for being such utterly and totally stupid fools for thinking that having a tranny bishop is such a good idea. he also wants to start another reformation, this time hoping that it will work and actually bring about a godly change and a new returning back to the word and the truth of God instead of this namby pamby feel good bs the ELCA calls good. Lutherans used to be referred to as the frozen chosen, now the ELCA has turned them into the stupid useless, morally confused not so chosen.

  3. I have a question.
    If someone who doesn’t know what he/she is is preaching to you should you trust his/her judgement and believe what is said?
    I would not.

  4. This is WHY, no matter what kind of Christian church you call home, you MUST READ the Word of God!! You just must. You should want to know it. Being lead by the nose and putting too much trust in anyone to tell you what you think you need to know regarding God is just like listening only to CN&N for your “news”. I think it’s in 2 Timothy that spells out the obligation of Christians to hold their leaders to account for what they preach, too.

    Despite the headlines, the Christian church (body of Christ) in the U.S. and around the world is undergoing a very serious and very robust revival and reform. It’s called shaking. Think of the corruption of the old Christian leadership as you would the corrupted leaders of gov’t. It’s the same problem. Communism.


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