Even a Flat-Earther Makes More Sense Than a Lefty When Discussing Gun Control – IOTW Report

Even a Flat-Earther Makes More Sense Than a Lefty When Discussing Gun Control


“You know you hear a lot of people talk about getting these guns off the streets. Only problem with that is there’s 15 million already on the streets. And the other problem is that if you ban them, you’re going to create an underground market, and the gun collectors – you know it’s going to become more valuable. I just think – I think the quick fix now – is that the government should give law enforcement more money. And you recruit more people. And the guys that are not ready to go on the streets, you put them in the schools. You put ’em in front of the schools, you put ’em behind the schools, you put them inside the schools. I grew up on a military base, and there was always military police in front of the school… and we didn’t have a lot of 3 PM fights.”

Who said this?

Shaquille O’Neal

He makes more sense than these pinhead students.

Your place IS a gun-free zone, sweetie. It’s just that they put up a sign and call it a day. So the only people without guns when the bad guys show up are the good guys.

Maybe you should be doing a little more “work,” no?

17 Comments on Even a Flat-Earther Makes More Sense Than a Lefty When Discussing Gun Control

  1. The Lefts on an all out push for our guns. And these stupid kids are being used as puppets. Which reinforces the False Flag narrative. The obvious answer to solve these problems are to disarm the good guys. Hatred for an inanimate object confuses most logical thinkers. Maybe it’s the loud noise. There’s never a mention of evil knives when there’s a stabbing. These protests are all about stopping “Gun Violence”. I guess violence with out a gun is acceptable.
    Shaq’s always been a logical thinker.

  2. I guess she missed the fact that the White House is filled with armed people protecting it, precisely to prevent terrorist attacks there.

    Progs really are incredible fucking morons. They start with a conclusion they want to be true, and then just make up “facts” to appear like they’ve made some clever point. The dumb twats in the photo above have the entire issue completely backwards. There’s just no point in debating with people that fucking stupid.

  3. my question is: if you think 18 year olds should not own firearms because they are insufficient in mature mental capacity … then why are you allowing these colossal jewels of immature thought processes decide the laws of our nation, particularly when it pertains to the right to defend oneself, one’s family, one’s neighborhood or one’s state?

    these kids are too mentally insufficient to understand they are being manipulated by cynical politicians & agenda driven teachers … besides getting another day off from school


    Exactly. If you flip that around, what about the 19 or 20 year old single mother? Does she have a right to protect her self? I guess only with a HOGG designated gun. This little piece of shit is the key to who’s behind this. Might be Tom Steyer, might be Soros. Either way, someone needs to get a good as kicking. Mean while enjoy the push for 16 year olds to vote. I’ll bite my tongue here.

  5. Shaq was rational. Every Leftard I have tried to have a rational conversation with demanded that their emotions outweighed my facts (well actually the FBI’s facts). I want to save kids’ lives. They want to save kids’ lives. Yet they are so consumed by their emotion that they won’t consider anything that means allowing anyone to have guns – even when they know they have zero ability to take them out of the hands of messed-up people. Sad.

  6. LCD
    They don’t want to save lives. They want you Glock 17. “Stop Gun Violence”. It’s not about violence, it’s about guns. I don’t know who is ultimately behind this. But they are good. We better start wising up.

  7. I’m sure glad that adults were still sane when I was a teenager, I would hate if they had taken some of my bullshit serious.

    When I was 18 I had just as much right to own a gun for any reason I wanted just as much as a 38 year old had. My daughter had that right, my sons had that right. Hell, actually I had the right and did have a gun at a much younger age than 18 and could have if needed be put a hole in anyone trying to harm me or my family or anyone trying to break into our home.

    Being armed is a God given right and not a right that can be taken away. I don’t how that is so damn hard for people to understand.
    It’s past time people start fighting for that right before the assholes try to play god.

  8. When I read that quote, I kept thinking to myself, “Man, what kind of oaf said this shit?” Then I saw who said it. Shaq is a lovable oaf, but dumber than a box of rocks. Still, makes more sense than a lefty on guns.

  9. True story: My dad was speaking with shaquille O’Neil at the ‘96 olympics in Atlanta, and he asked my dad how he could get a permit to carry a handgun in all 50 states. My dad told him it’s impossible even for Shaquille.


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