Even Bernie Sanders Criticizes the So Called “Inflation Reduction Act” – IOTW Report

Even Bernie Sanders Criticizes the So Called “Inflation Reduction Act”

The Hill

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ripped the Inflation Reduction Act Saturday for doing little to fight inflation and not enough to help Americans struggling to afford health care, child care and housing. More

21 Comments on Even Bernie Sanders Criticizes the So Called “Inflation Reduction Act”

  1. Did he get a 4th house after the 2020 election and not publicize it this time? Or is he still angling for it?
    I see Bernie as a guy who actually cares for the common people… until a nice house is waved under his nose.

  2. WTF would millionaire, thieving, corrupt-o-crat, lying, conniving, hypocritical, 3-Houses, Treasonous POS Bernie Sanders know about struggling Americans?

    Or any Americans, for that matter.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It sure is curious that just a few short years ago everyone was wondering what was done to ‘kill’ inflation. No one understands where it went. The fed fought for years to get inflation UP to its target of 2% and was dumbfounded that inflation was stubbornly low.

    Notice there were no gimmicks at the time to push the needle higher. All they needed to do was go back to how we accounted for inflation in the past, take out a few gimmicks and bingo, inflation would easily be at 2%.

    The question still stands. Why was inflation so stubbornly low? No one knows.

    Now everyone is an expert on how to lower inflation? Ha! Suuuuuuure. It’s a 100% certainty that no matter what is done from this point forward any action taken in our debt based system, in order to keep it functional, inflation will only tick higher, or at least stay stubbornly high. And you’ll continue to see countless people claim they know how to lower it, with every congressman now an expert in economics.

    The straw finally broke the camel’s back. The cat is out of the bag. Pick your metaphor. It’s essentially impossible to reverse what has been released. At least politically speaking, it’s the 3rd rail, no politician will touch an effective solution that will put our country through great pain. Most importantly the solution involves the exact opposite of enriching politicians.

  4. this is what I’m seeing all over:

    IRS is now larger than Pentagon, Dept of State, FBI, & Border Patrol
    Weaponized with 4,000 guns and 5 million rounds of Ammo

  5. Like a liberal, the IRS hates you, they may not want you dead, but they do want you broke. Now, there is going to be another 87,000 of these fuckers? Obama weaponized this bureau to punish conservatives & those that dared to question his brilliance. Now, we have a dementia riddled husk in power, but not really. The ones behind the curtain made this happen. People on our side were thinking Manchin & Sinema would derail this & were shocked when they didn’t. Why not? Because they are fucking democrats. They are incapable of making their own decisions. they have to be told what to do & how & when to do it. I sincerely hope the people of West Virginia & Arizona don’t forget this. Especially West Virginia. Manchin totally flipped them the bird on this one. He already has his fortune(from coal)so why bother with the folks he is supposed to represent? West Virginia is not that far from D.C., yet is a million miles away. Sinema is nothing more than an attention whore(think AOC). She too was always going to vote for this, she just had to play the game to keep the media breathless. She then gave them exactly what they wanted, Socialism. Bernie Sanders? He is a Capitalist wearing Karl Marx’s suit, always has been, always will be. This fraud is just like Biden, he has never worked a day in his miserable fucking life. Nothing more than a leach that can’t be torn from the taxpayer. Again, he’s got his & the rest of you can beg for the crumbs from his table.

  6. I only have an MBA and an MA in economics. I will, however, happily listen to anyone (briefly) who wants to explain how 700 billion dollars spent by the government could possibly reduce inflation. It’s about like drinking yourself sober.

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