Even Crazy People Are Starting To Get It About Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Even Crazy People Are Starting To Get It About Illegal Aliens


Trump is saying people will have to be vetted, we’ll have to have legal immigration. It’s all a scam. I mean, illegal immigration. When people come here and they get a lot of benefits that our own veterans don’t get. What’s up with that?”

“I think we would be so lucky if Trump won,’ the 67-year-old Roseanne star told THR on the eve of the California primary. “Because then it wouldn’t be Hillary.”

Barr also reserved some sharp criticism for Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the former of which the comedian accused of being friends “with everybody that gives her any goddamn money.”

“I like Trump because he financed his own [campaign],” she continued. “That’s the only way he could’ve gotten that nomination. Because nobody wants a president who isn’t from Yale and Harvard and in the club. ‘Cause it’s all about distribution. When you’re in the club, you’ve got people that you sell to. That’s how money changes hands, that’s how business works. If you’ve got friends there, they scratch your back and blah, blah.”

Barr is also wary of the American electoral system, telling THR that voting “doesn’t matter at all,” and if it did, “they wouldn’t let you do it.”


8 Comments on Even Crazy People Are Starting To Get It About Illegal Aliens

  1. Libtards like Roseanne Barr only get become sane when the hoards of the unwashed they helped to invade this country, encroach on their territory. All of a sudden it “Trump bar the door”.

  2. Did Barr just wake up and figure out how to use her brain? Wow!

    I remember that horribly disrespectful baseball Nation Anthem, and couldn’t stand her even less since. (Where I work, we play the Anthem every night, and usually I have to give the death glare to get jerks to stand up and take their effin’ lid off.)

    I guess this gives Barr a few Brownie points. 😉

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