Even Democrats Now Agree That The Government Should Not Fund Crack Pipes – IOTW Report

Even Democrats Now Agree That The Government Should Not Fund Crack Pipes

Daily Caller: The House of Representatives passed by a wide margin on Wednesday legislation that includes a partial ban on federally-funded crack and meth pipes, despite the Biden administration’s insistence that such a ban is unnecessary.

The Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act of 2022, introduced by Democratic New Jersey Rep. Frank Pallone, primarily funds block grants for community wellness programs targeting mental illness and drug abuse. However, the bill also includes a provision that prohibits the funds from being “used to purchase, procure, or distribute pipes or cylindrical objects intended to be used to smoke or inhale illegal scheduled substances.”

The legislation passed 402-20, with 184 Republicans and 218 Democrats voting in favor. All 20 “no” votes came from Republicans. more here

3 Comments on Even Democrats Now Agree That The Government Should Not Fund Crack Pipes

  1. Crack Pipe Biden, enabling his crack addicted son Hunter Biden. Fact is that crack is largely used by the black population which is the only reason why Joe Biden, the longtime KU KLUX KLAN associate, was sending out the vile things in the first place to kill off black people. The same goes for the very-evil fake governor of NY Kathy Hochul whose “empowering” messages on billboards and poster-ads for heroin addiction coincides with the Biden Plan. Later he (typically) lied and denied sending out crack pipes to various cities and states.


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