Even Obama Opposes Cancel Culture – IOTW Report

Even Obama Opposes Cancel Culture

Just the News

Former President Obama says Democrats who endorse and participate in cancel culture are a “buzzkill” and are unnecessarily making people “walk on eggshells.”

The 44th president was on the Pod Save America podcast where he stated that some of his fellow Democrats need to “cool down the temperature” with cancel culture. More

19 Comments on Even Obama Opposes Cancel Culture

  1. I call bullshit on anything from Obama’s used mouth.
    The slow turn on joe has begun.
    Joe biden will not be president in Jan 2023 when the next congress is sworn in.
    If democrats lose the Senate & House they will never be able to get a VP nominee approved by the Senate after a Republican Senate is sworn in 2023. So they will have to dump Joe between Nov 8th 2022 and mid Jan 2023. The red wave is coming, you can not stop it. The cheat algorithms will not work this time.

    BTW Hows obama’s 3rd term working out for you? You know who’s really calling the shots without any responsibility or blame, it’s not Jill.


  2. Too many fellow travelers being cancelled.

    Obola doesn’t give a shit about fairness, equality, equity, honor, or any of that other bourgeois bullshit – he cares about useful idiots being swept away by the imbecilities.

    mortem tyranis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Wild Bill,

    Hell of a Game Last night!
    When they were behind in the 4th, I told my best bud, “Allen gets a TD and Mahomes gets intercepted on his last possession.”

    So far, GAME OF THE YEAR!


  4. Like Hillary, everything the seditious gay Kenyan commie says is cleverly calculated by his anti-American handlers. As always, this commie faggot is up to no good. It does not make sense he’d turn his back on a movement that has served the democrat commies so well.

  5. Obismal, just practicing taquiyah, his religion of pieces doctrine he applies when dealing with infidels, like a good little jihadist.
    A religion which is the ultimate cancel culture of every other culture on Earth.
    Obismal’s a devout follower of his religion Islam, so he lies automatically when confronted with the truth that cancel culture is unpopular.
    He gaslights his Demwit audience to stay under the radar.
    Doesn’t stop him from promoting cancel culture behind closed doors.


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