Even Sweden Doesn’t Want Migrants Anymore – IOTW Report

Even Sweden Doesn’t Want Migrants Anymore

Sweden’s generous response to the 2015 refugee crisis may have permanently dented its moral worldview.

14 Comments on Even Sweden Doesn’t Want Migrants Anymore

  1. Does anyone remember the article where they charged a woman who slapped a migrant who ass grabbed her in public because she hit him too hard.


    The bunch of lady cops that stood by when a migrant went nuts and started smashing cars. They were too weak to arrest him!

    Oh well, change the Flag to the Ikea Logo. They have better security.

  2. “Good luck, Sweden! You’ve already ruined most of the beauty of your country.”

    Stick around; by the time that drooling imbecile in the White House gets done, you won’t recognize OUR country.

  3. Too late for you Sweden. Those psychos you imported will only breed more and more psychos.

    As for America, it’s over: the Afghan psychos Biden (or whoever is controlling him) is importing will destroy what BLM hasn’t.

  4. Don’t cry for me Scandinavia

    The truth is I invited them
    All through those mild days
    Our mad believence
    That they’d keep their promise
    Now we are pestilence

    And as for Mohamed, and as for Jihad
    We invited them in
    Though it seemed to the world they were all we desired

    They are illusions
    They are not the solutions they promised to be
    The answer was here all the time
    We love my country and have destroyed thee

    Don’t cry for me Scandanavia

    (apologies to Andrew Lloyd Webber)

  5. It’s easier to keep rats out than to get them out once the house is infested.
    Probably the same with cockroaches.
    I should think.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. There is such a thing as human trash that is incompatible with Western values and the West in general has been duped into importing it thinking “Oh they’ll change”


  7. Start at the top of Sweden, head south. Force every worthless rag head out of the country. Call it Operation Rag-Out. They contribute NOTHING and cost a fortune. Send those worthless pieces of human garbage back to the 4th century shit holes they came from.

  8. @TRF January 4, 2022 at 7:12 am

    > the West in general has been duped into importing it thinking “Oh they’ll change”

    “Oh. They’ll change.” was always the point. Just not that “they”.

    Professional betters never want to live by the rules the “machinery” they run, to “pick their cotton”, live by. So they offer “sanctuary” to those that do the opposite. What could possibly go “wrong”? (tee hee)


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