Even the Press Is Ditching Hillary – IOTW Report

Even the Press Is Ditching Hillary

A NYTs reporter tweeted a picture from Hillary’s appearance in Akron last night noting how few members of the press were waiting in the pen for her remarks.  The reporter grew nostalgic for the days when reporters chased her van around a building just to catch a glimpse.


Either its a form of punishment to have to cover her boiler plate speeches day in and day out or the Clinton campaign is so feeding the press everything they are suppose to repeat that they don’t even need to show up any more in case something spontaneous should happen.

12 Comments on Even the Press Is Ditching Hillary

  1. “…in case something spontaneous should happen.”

    IOW, they don’t want to be there when she face-plants on the stairs, because they’d get trashed by the Clinton team for seeing it happen.

  2. She cannot fill the venue with supporters. She cannot even get the paid and owned in full media there to take up empty seats. The college crowds used before have wised up to Cankles and told her to piss off. Her speeches are rote, uninspiring, and boring to hear. The people of Ohio and many other “deplorables” cannot be bothered to listen to her drivel. Seeing her faceplant on the tarmac is becoming everyday happening. Watching the cancerous old cocksucker Clinton trying to schmooze the ladies is revolting, so they don’t go. The opposition films her every move to spot her cheating tackiness. Her smirk is enough to make you want to smash her face in. WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE? /sarc off.

  3. When Hillary loses, the press loses by association and sycophancy. The press knows this and are carefully backing away from the pending meltdown.

    It won’t help the press, however. I can see a Trump presidency creating massive prohibitions on the dishonest bastards through, you guessed it, COMMON SENSE REGULATION.

    Suck on that, Hillary.

  4. If she’s drawing double digit crowds, while Trump is packing stadiums with SRO, how will TPTB explain it if she wins? We all know that if she wins, it will be because of voter fraud, but what excuse will be given to the public?

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