Even WAPO Gives Hillary 4 Pinocchios Over Goofy Voter Suppression Claims – IOTW Report

Even WAPO Gives Hillary 4 Pinocchios Over Goofy Voter Suppression Claims

Hillary, still on tour trying to get people to believe she was cheated out of her rightful throne, said that the GOP suppressed democrat votes in Wisconsin and purged leftwing voter rolls in Georgia.

Was she truthful?

WAPO -The Pinocchio Test

There’s an important debate to be had over voter ID laws and their effect on turnout, considering how rare voter fraud cases are in the United States and the risk of disenfranchisement. We’re looking at something different here. Clinton made a series of specific claims that were way off-base.

The Supreme Court’s ruling in 2013 had no bearing on Wisconsin. The University of Wisconsin study she relied on for her 40,000 estimate says its findings from two counties should not be extrapolated to form statewide conclusions. Her spokesman did not cite any study for the 80,000 estimate. Voter registration in Georgia did not decline from 2012 to 2016.

Wrong on multiple levels, seriously misleading and worth a cumulative Four Pinocchios.

Four Pinocchios

11 Comments on Even WAPO Gives Hillary 4 Pinocchios Over Goofy Voter Suppression Claims

  1. Cankles is taking her cue from failed Ga. Dem governor candidate Tank Abrams, who has managed to get the Dem House to open a bullshit investigation into voter suppression in Georgia. Nevermind that my district has been packed and gerrymandered to the point that we now have a black female Dem as our rep. And this was Tom Price’s district just a few years ago. Don’t you dare talk to me about voter suppression, Tank and Cankles. You two crooked skanks need to STFU.

  2. Hillary makes up whatever suits here at the time and presents it without regard for the truth expecting everyone to believe it without question.

    Sadly, she’s been doing this for so long I think she has come to actually believe the lies herself.

    That’s what happens when you’re never called out or held responsible for them.

  3. I give this statement by WaPo 4 Pinoccios too:
    “considering how rare voter fraud cases are in the United States”

    Millions of fradulent votes are cast every national election. That’s not rare at all.

  4. Remember when she got so righteously indignant after Trump said she didn’t actually win the popular vote? This stuff is eating her up inside. I really think Trump has peeled about a decade off of her lifespan. But she just can’t quit him. Sad.

  5. Yup, those mean Wisconsin republicans kept the dead, illegal, and felons from voting for Hillary, like they could in nearly every other state. Sheesh, she is as much as admitting she benefited from voter fraud in other states.

  6. Trump declined to lock her up. He may be thinking way in advance of the rest of us. It was possible she would run for 2020 until a few days ago. What a great opponent she would have been for him. But her badness lives and is picked up by other evil demorats. Trump can trace a lot of bad back to her. He can keep kicking the crap out of Hellary during the next election cycle. She may be more useful out of prison than in.


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