Evergreen State College freshmen enrollment drops to 300 students – IOTW Report

Evergreen State College freshmen enrollment drops to 300 students

Freshmen enrollment down 50 percent

College Fix: Freshmen enrollment at Evergreen State College has plummeted since the controversial “Day of Absence” in May 2017. Mike Paros, professor of biological and environmental science, authored a post for the Heterodox Academy stating that less than 300 freshmen are expected to attend the school this fall, a decrease of 50 percent from two years ago.

Campus officials have yet to release any official fall 2018 enrollment numbers.

Paros’ post states that the college is publicly funded for a student population of 4,200. This coming year, the total student population is around 2,800, he writes.

Evergreen made headlines in May 2017 when biology professor Bret Weinstein drew student protests and threats of violence for refusing to leave campus on the “Day of Absence.” Weinstein had told the director of a campus multicultural office via an email that he was not leaving campus on a day when white students and faculty were asked to voluntarily leave campus.  more here

10 Comments on Evergreen State College freshmen enrollment drops to 300 students

  1. I have no simpity for Bret Weinstein, educators like him are the reason schools have become so intolerant. He created this monster. I have no problem with his creations destroying him.

  2. Even dim bulb white progtards don’t want to pay through the nose just to have their own kids be subjected to racist harassment, all to get a worthless degree that no employer will respect.


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